10 Strongest Kids In Our World With Exceptional Physical Strength…


We’ve always connected physical strength with young adults in their twenties and beyond. We never expect children to dazzle us with their athletic prowess! We’ve compiled a list of the world’s toughest youngsters to make your head go berserk!

Maryana Naumova


Let’s take a look at Maryana Naumova first. She embodies the term “beauty with brains” because she possesses both power and intelligence. She is living proof that strength does not have to be connected with dudes! She’s 21 now, and she’s setting some serious health goals for us! All of these images were taken when she was 16 years old.

Yang Jinlong


Do you see what I’m talking about? This photo exemplifies the bravery of this 15-year-old! He was 7 years old when the shot was taken! Consider how powerful he must be today!

Naomi Kutin


Another lovely person to add to our list! Naomi is now 19 years old and is well-known for her incredible strength. She squatted 215 pounds, more than twice her body weight, at the age of ten, shattering a record held by someone four times her age. This was far from the end of her accomplishments. Naomi got everyone’s attention two years later, in 2013, when she squatted 231 pounds and deadlifted 249 pounds. Isn’t it incredible?

Jake Schellenschlager


Jake Schellenschlager, 20, is the fourth youngster on this list, and he has been making headlines for his muscular physique since he was 14 years old! Jake competed in a weight lifting tournament in Pennsylvania when he was 14 years old. He squatted 225 pounds and bench pressed 205 pounds while weighing only 119 pounds.

CJ Senter


CJ is well-known for his unrivalled swagger! CJ has been exercising and staying in shape since he was five years old, earning the nickname “exercise kid.” When he was 10, an exercise DVD aimed for kids who wanted to stay in shape while having fun catapulted him into the spotlight for the first time. This youngster is in great shape!

Giuliano Stroe


Giuliano may go down in history as one of the toughest children ever. This kid could do push-ups at a 90-degree angle with ease! If that wasn’t impressive enough, he also completed a human flag for over a minute and a half and 31 human flag pull ups when he was nine years old.

Varya Akulova


Varya is now 28 years old, but she still deserves to be included in this list. She is the strongest girl in Ukraine and the strongest child ever born! She could effortlessly lift her mother and father when she was just ten years old!

Liam Hoekstra


You’ve probably seen a lot of his photos on the internet. Liam, who is now 15, was just 5 months old when he bent an iron rod! Yes, this isn’t a joke! He never looked back and is now one of the world’s toughest youngsters!

Andrey Kostash


Andrew is currently 17 years old and ranks quite high on this ranking! He’s from Ukraine, and he’s a beast. He was six years old when he completed 3,000 push-ups in two hours and 29 minutes! Wow!

Richard Sandrak


Richard is now 28 years old. He does, however, deserve to be included in this list! He began exercising when he was two years old, and by the age of six, he was bench pressing an amazing 180 pounds. Is there anything else we can say?