Women Reveal Things Guys Think Are Cool but Are Actually a Turn Off


Trying to find someone you might imagine spending the rest of your life with when you’re single might seem like a completely impossible mission. You not only need to experience the spark of attraction, but you also need to share mutual interests, be able to have meaningful conversations and be able to live under the same roof after 20 minutes without trying to destroy each other.

You might be thinking to yourself, if you’re a man, ‘I’m the whole package. Why do people not flock to me somehow?! ‘Ok, I have some news for you that may be hard to swallow: for 90% of the girls you are trying to impress, a lot of the stuff you do that you think’ interesting ‘is probably a complete turnoff.

Even if it’s supposed to praise us, equate us to other women. If you need to push someone else down when saying it, it’s not a compliment to me.’

The girls I see here are typically so superficial and dumb [insert a potential rant about how they look and what they’re meant to enjoy, drop the word ‘hoe’ or ‘bitch’ somewhere], but you…’

“At that point, all I hear is basically, “I hate people, but I want sex, so I guess you’re an exception.

“Bragging about fights or going to jail.”

I once had a boyfriend tell me how he had s*x at an early age (like 12) and ‘didn’t you get impressed at all?’ ‘A kind of fashion.’

I was thinking it was a little gross, and I asked him how he got into the situation. Then he told me it was a party or some kind of get-together, and he was having sex with a girl he thought was beautiful, and it turned out to be his cousin.

Soon after, we broke up, and I haven’t spoken to him in years.’-PlatinumBananya

“Claiming to be an ‘Alpha’ or putting other people down.”

“It’s just lame to smash other people. There are a hundred discussions that we can have and you want to ask about the weight of the waitresses? -Thot Crimes Crimes—

“Frowning or looking ‘alpha’ in pictures.”

Almost every photo of the dating site has a man, baseball cap backward, sternly looking backward. Optional Sunglasses. I want to date someone who can smile and who is friendly! “-2bclear,-2bclear

“Calling other men unmasculine because they don’t like a certain hobby/movie/music/tv.”

“Nothing tells me more insecure than that, actually, I find it more masculine to just like what you like, regardless of other views on the matter.” JFeisty

“D*ck pics.”

I have never ever asked for one in my life or even wished to receive one, but men hand them out like business cards. Stop, please.’-nxdiuhtheterrible

“A guy who, if he ever mentioned one of his exes, always said something along the lines of ‘she was kind of crazy though’… ‘she was batshit,’ dated once.”

“He said it about at least three of his exes and I just used to think ‘hmm, there’s a common denominator here mate, and it’s you’. His story fell apart when I met one of his exes (she was still in his friendship circle) and she was a darling.”-queenofnoone

“When guys have pictures of them in their Tinder profile holding large sums of money.”

“The second I see someone caressing a wad of 20 dollar bills, my vagina disappears into a black hole.”-ticktockFUK

“From recent experience, how much they party or did party in their past.”

“I don’t party at all, and I don’t have anything against the people who do, but I don’t want to hear about all the times you’ve been wasting in high school.”