Many times, it seems that everything around us is doing really well like home appliances, perfect work by various services, and even brilliantly edited Instagram photos. It all goes like Truman Show until the moment you run into a person or photo that can break the entire system.
Check Out these Baffling Photos That Are Too Weird for This World
We hope she’ll be fine tomorrow.
“Help! My nails are burning!”
The natural print on a python
A slice of Rhodochrosite stalactite, a very rare natural mineral.
These beans start looking like an oil slick when they dry.
A tool for the most brutal guys.
When a company wants to meet the requirements of both Starbucks and McDonald’s fans.
When you can spare a couple minutes on your way to work for cycling.
“We’re happy to see you in our café!”
Some unexplainable stuff.
When your savvy knows no borders.
Look again!
When your creativity left you halfway through.
Is he opening a portal to another world?
“Hey, Patrick, there you are!”
“My mother always said, Always keep your feet dry!”
“This little man made himself at home while I cleaned his enclosure.”
“I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike!”
“Wanna try some alphabet soup?”
Why not exercise while waiting for the bus?
How did it get there?
What is that black stripe? A cavity?
“Quicky, what’s going on?”
Is this a PR campaign?