6 Illustrations Explaining Why You Haven’t Found Your Love Yet

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This article is for those who are willing to love but don’t understand why they always suppress such feelings. 6 Colourful illustrations and explanations should answer the question as to why you are still alone.

6. There’s no room in your life for passion.

And you know that you’re set. Ready to love and always be with someone. But tonight you’re not going to see this guy because you’re going to stay at work (just as you’ve been doing for the past couple of days). On the weekend, you’ll see your friends talking about their issues and listen to them. Or maybe you’ve got a kid and you’re just playing with them.

Your diagnosis: in this world, except love, you are busy with everything.

What can you do?

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Steve McClatchy, the author of many psychological books, advises that we avoid, on our own, coping with all problems and activities. Mixed interests do not require us to be happy and continue to be happy. First of all, love yourself: go home on time, let your mom take care of your child and postpone the meeting with your friend until you (not she!) have the opportunity to talk about your new romantic adventure.

5. You can’t let go of your friendship then.

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And now, you’ve found time for a date. You spend a lot of time on different outfits and imagine his admiring look, bashful smile, and funny jokes in front of the mirror. Yet you feel like you just want to cry before you go out. Because the picture of your ex-boyfriend appears in your mind when you think about love. He was smart, courageous, sweet, and the best, so loving and beautiful. Sigmund Freud, the excellent psychoanalyst, wrote how important it is in the past to leave past relationships. Why are you debating with an expert?

Your diagnosis: your heart is consumed by your previous relationship.

What can you do?

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A question to answer: why are you still suffering? Your friendship is over, the time machine has not yet been created, and there’s nothing you can do. Your ex isn’t fine, just in your own head, he’s great. Psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg claims that our new relationships are having a huge impact on subconscious feelings and fantasies. Let’s push on. It’s about time to be free!

Also, Read Artist Illustrates The Glimpse Of Intense Love Between Couple

4. You spend too much time at home.

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Fatigue, bad weather, and gloomy winter season are all excuses to spend the day indoors. There’s also a new movie to watch and a book to read. Knitting is a great hobby, by the way. So you’re staying home. Even when it comes to weekends and holidays, you still find an excuse. Because of this, when there is no one to comfort you, you still feel sad.

Your diagnosis: you have become a home user.

What can you do?

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The time we spend at home, of course, is quiet, covered with a blanket, with our favorite book heroes. But let’s be honest: if you’re limited to the four walls that surround you, you’ll probably only have a date with your fridge. Outside your home, there’s a wonderful world, make an effort to get to know it.

3. You’re not paying attention to your look.

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You’re going there! You’ve done that. A waiter is paying attention to your buddy in a cafe and is taking your order seriously. A handsome man in the bright red dress wants to know the girl’s name. So many men around her are attracting the attention of a lady wearing friendly perfume. And you’re covering your head inside a tired, old hoodie with a ponytail.

Your diagnosis: you’ve stopped thinking about how you look at others.

What can you do?

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Mom also said you’re going to love your soul and your intellect. And this is real! But there is a cycle of desire that comes before love. Leil Lowndes, a specialist in communication psychology, claims that the basis of the future relationship is the first experience. It is important to be smart, of course, but don’t forget to look nice and to be in public a kind and open person. Guys don’t care if skinny jeans aren’t fashionable anymore if they suit you (and your lovely smile)!

2. Your parents’ opinion is the main one for you.

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Now, this precious moment has come: you begin to fall in love. Mom is curious about his interests and his father is interested in his career. We come together to the realization that he is not worthy of you. So you can’t choose between thoughts, feelings, so negative opinions. Don’t be mad! The University of Bristol’s doctors Tim Fawcett and Piet van den Berg conducted scientific research and published an article that suggests parents sometimes don’t like the option of their children and it’s a completely normal thing.

Diagnosis: the viewpoint of your parents is more important to you than to your own.

What can you do?

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Parental authority is, of course, an integral part of education. Mom doesn’t like his one trait, dad doesn’t like anything. Yet your parents ‘ love has already been found and they have a son. Now, making a choice is your responsibility. Let yourself be guided by your own feelings.

1. You’re resistant to trying new things.

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Cute, sexy, and independent. In the same café, you still meet your friends and only choose “chick flicks” when you go to the cinema. You’re pretty sure there are plenty of smart guys in the theatre and among athletes, there are no creative people. You can’t move forward with your narrow views and habits.

You’re afraid you’re trying something new.

What can you do?

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You’ve got to rid yourself of the foundation you’ve created. The world is vast and varied. And beyond this system of usual places and hobbies, true love awaits you!

And how are you coping with breakups? Do you have any ideas of your own? Post them in the comments with us, and let’s always be happy!

Illustrated by Sergey Raskovalov
