What Might Happen to Your Body If You Start Eating White Rice Every Day


More than half of the world’s population considers rice a basic food, and it is regularly consumed worldwide. People still favour white rice to eat, despite the fact that brown rice is thought to be healthier because it is higher in vitamins and minerals.

Although this diet still provides a significant amount of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and other nutrients, we became interested in learning what would happen if we regularly consume rice.

You may feel constipated.

Eating Rice Everyday

A higher fibre intake is associated with a lower risk of constipation, according to numerous research. In fact, according to one study, every additional gramme of fibre reduces the risk of constipation by 1.8%. It is best for persons who experience constipation to limit their intake of processed grains like white rice because they contain less fibre.

You might experience blood sugar spikes.

blood sugar

White rice has a high glycemic index, and consuming it frequently may increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. However, since rice is one of the foods that frequently appears on our dinner tables, it is preferable to eat whole-grain rice as opposed to white rice as an alternative. Although it still contains a lot of carbohydrates, its antioxidants, fibre, minerals, and vitamins may aid in blood sugar regulation.

You may have more belly fat.

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White rice is a processed and refined food, thus it may be challenging for people to lose weight while consuming it. Additionally, it lacks fibre, which will make you hungry more quickly and cause you to eat more. Because black and brown rice is richer in fibre and can aid in weight loss, if you enjoy eating rice, you should do so.

It might raise your cholesterol levels.

cholesterol level

Rice can cause higher triglyceride or cholesterol levels even if it doesn’t contain any cholesterol. High blood sugar levels from eating a lot of rice might increase triglycerides, which in turn raises cholesterol levels.

It might increase the chances of heart disease.

More arsenic is accumulated in rice than in any other food crop. Additionally, high consumption of arsenic can increase the risk of cancer and heart disease. Additionally harmful to nerves, arsenic may impair mental function. These illnesses are more likely to affect those who consume a lot of rice in their diet.

Do you typically eat white rice?