Adult Actress Tweet On Incident Of Video Played At Patna Station, Railway Reponded


At railway stations, there are large screens that serve the purpose of displaying train schedules and advertisements, ensuring passengers are aware of their train’s arrival and departure time. Recently, a rather unusual incident occurred where a po*n*graphic movie was played on one of these screens for a full three minutes. This occurred at Patna Junction in Bihar, and we reported on this strange occurrence.

The incident caused quite an uproar, with many people sharing videos of the inappropriate content displayed on the screen. The railways responded by stating that they had taken action against the agency responsible for the display. They mentioned that two FIRs (First Information Reports) had been filed against the agency, and they had been terminated and blacklisted. The railway service even shared a tweet to inform the public of its actions.

Following the incident, many people commented on the matter, including an 18+ star by the name of Kendra Lust. She took to her Twitter account and posted a photo of herself, along with the caption “India” and the hashtag “Bihar Railway Station.” Her tweet quickly went viral, gaining attention from people all around the world.

Kendra Lust’s tweet regarding the incident at Patna Junction has certainly caused quite a stir, with many people expressing their opinions and reactions to the matter. Some are questioning how the tweet reached Kendra in the first place, while others are noting how the incident has now become international news. As an AI language model, I don’t hold opinions or beliefs, but I can say that it’s important for railway authorities and agencies to take appropriate measures to ensure such incidents don’t happen in the future. We should all work towards promoting responsible behaviour and content, both online and offline.