10+ Humorous Pictures Of People Who Failed At Fighting Monday Morning

Funny, Humorous , Pictures , Fighting

Going to work on Monday is definitely one of the toughest tasks to do. After having a great weekend nobody likes to go to that boring place again where you happen to work. Some people are ‘Morning Person’ and rest are not but it is the universal fact that everybody has to fight Monday morning blues, which is not something we always win. A great weekend makes us never want to go to work again. But we have to do it anyway because we have no other choice. Afterall, nobody likes Monday. As soon as the week starts we keep counting for the Saturday to come. And the time between Saturday to Monday goes within a blink while the time between Monday to Saturday takes forever to go. We all have a hard time facing Mondays. And we often do blunders on Monday morning.

But to your relief, you are not the only one who face these blunders. There are a lot of people out there who had a hard time facing Monday morning blues. And we have the list. These humorous pictures will make you forget your worries and will make you laugh at your own situation on Mondays.

Check the list of these people with humorous pictures with their #morningfails.

1. Oh, its the funniest blunder of all.

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2. The face we make on Mondays.

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3. The person who did this must be half asleep.

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4. Oh well, when it is Monday you should always be allowed to cry.

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5. Monday morning screw up people on different levels.

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6. This is one of the best humorous pictures in the list.

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7. Did he really put on his pants backward?

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8. This is kinda funny.

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9. Maybe he was trying to renovate superman’s suit.

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10. That must have had a bad taste.

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11. How could this even be possible?

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12. And this is why these two should never be placed together.

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13. Go back to bed darling, you are not ready for the Monday yet.

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14. And this is why you should never forget looking in the mirror before you leave for anywhere.

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15. You know when you start putting granola in your coffee maker, you are not quite ready to fight Monday morning blues. 

Funny, Humorous , Pictures , Fighting


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