Woman Says Older Ladies Can Also Wear G-String Bikinis, But Some People Strongly Disagree


Elle Anthony is on a mission to uplift and remind women that no matter their age or form, they should be free to proudly display their bodies. Recently, this TikTok creator shared a heartfelt video promoting body positivity, but many internet commenters raced to criticise it.

She’s a summer queen.

The 53-year-old told her fans on TikTok that it doesn’t matter what society says about who may and cannot wear tiny swimsuits. “Summer is upon us, and everyone is always talking about getting their summer beach body ready,” she declared at the outset of her speech.

Living in the now is essential, according to Elle, since your attitude—rather than your worries—is what counts. “Baby, you’re summer beach body ready if you’re ready to go to the beach and you don’t feel guilty about how your body looks in swimsuits, surf shorts or bathing suits,” she said.

Wear what makes you happy.

“Wear that bikini, wear that G-string, wear those short shorts, whatever you’re into,” the content producer said, encouraging her audience to dress as they like. It’s your summer now.

Elle also exhorted her female fans to reject the pressure they face from the outside world as they mature and to embrace empowerment and freedom. “Remember, it’s only society that imposes standards, labels, and criticisms on us that we didn’t even ask for,” she said.

Some people disagree.

The 53-year-old doesn’t waver from this belief, frequently flaunting her figure in striking apparel and bikinis. Many of her online followers disagree with her and even engage in trolling, but a sizable portion of them also support her position and give her positive feedback.

One person wrote, “No thanks,” for example. I’ve had enough of this. “It all depends on what shape you are,” said a second person. “No human ever needs to wear a “G-string” at the beach,” said a third person. It is not necessary to dress badly to exude confidence. Enjoy yourself at the beach and wear modest clothing.

As long as a woman is confident in her own skin and ready to show off her beauty, we think all women are amazing. This gorgeous woman, who is 74 years old, proves that it’s never too late to flaunt your body to the world.

Preview photo credit elleanthony52 / TikTokelleanthony52 / TikTok