A Man Who “Looks 14” Always Has His Birth Certificate on Him to Prove He’s an Adult


Imagine living in a society where, despite your adulthood, everyone treats you like a child. That is the truth about a 35-year-old man who is confusing everyone with his young appearance. To conduct basic tasks, like driving, he must continually demonstrate his age.

People have a hard time believing in his age, even with the right documents.

Travel blogger Denis Vashurin now has twenty thousand Instagram followers. But a lot of the remarks on his page don’t specifically target the locations he goes to. Instead, they’re concentrating on how he appears, with many saying he looks 14 and one user recently questioning his age: “Are you kidding, or are you 35?”

The 35-year-old carries his birth certificate around since he is accustomed to these kinds of interactions, both in person and online. However, in in-person interactions, even the documentation isn’t sufficient right away. “There were times when the inspector was taken aback by what he saw in [my] documents,” he recounted.

Thankfully, people eventually managed to move past it. People react differently at my age. After a few minutes of conversation, some people are astonished, but they stop noticing,” disclosed Denis. “Never being obsessed with [his] age or appearance” is how his partner put it.

He added that the majority of the criticism he receives for his appearance appears online. “I have never in my life been made fun of for the way I look, but there are hurtful remarks and taunts,” he said. He doesn’t spend much time thinking about them, though: “Everyone has haters, and most of the time they are nasty and unhappy people.”

He doesn’t have a medical explanation for his youthful look.

When Denis was barely 4 years old, he recognised something was off with his appearance. Since then, he has made numerous trips to hospitals in an attempt to find the cause of his seemingly ageless appearance, but no specific cause has yet been identified.

Denis has a cheerful attitude toward life despite the mystery around him and whatever issues his physical characteristics may bring. “The negatives can be turned into positives, but I don’t think happiness is any different,” he remarked. “It depends on the individual, their resilience, and their capacity to plan their lives.”

For some people, age can be a problem in a variety of contexts, including their romantic life. A 47-year age difference between a couple means that they are frequently the target of harsh criticism. However, how they succeed.

Preview photo credit denvashurin125 / Instagramdenvashurin125 / Instagram