14 Brutally Honest Images Shared By Mothers Reveal The Truth About Postpartum Bodies


Postpartum isn’t glamorous as we usually see with celebrities. We usually see a nearly perfect picture of celebrities after childbirth and they do not have anything like pain on their face and let me tell you this is all unrealistic. A Woman body takes a toll after childbirth and you are lucky if the stomach goes back to its originality within weeks after the delivery but that isn’t the only thing that happens while childbirth. The body gets affected in one or other way and celebrities often show us the unrealistic part of it.

These brutally honest images shared by mothers will reveal the truth about postpartum bodies and will enlighten you with the reality that exists! 

1. You got problems but you need to appreciate the gift of motherhood. 

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2. It’s a lovely thing and your partner will still find you beautiful so need not to worry about that. 

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3. You should learn the art of enjoying it rather than getting depressed. 

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4. Postpartum bodies can be beautiful if tattoed wisely.

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5. This is what it really looks like, it ain’t glamorous. 

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6. To accept the deformities is the key to happiness. 

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7. The body feels pain and these honest images are a perfect depiction of the truth about postpartum bodies.

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8. The scars are ugly but they are worth giving life to someone. 

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9. That is the real beauty of childbirth. 

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10. When you see the kid sleeping calmly you know its worth the postpartum pain.

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11. It’s a myth that baby bumps just disappear.

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12. These honest images are symbolic of pain that mothers go through while childbirth.

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13. Scars make memories. 

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14. You can fight almost everything and the scars too!


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Almost 1 out of 7 mothers get depressed after childbirth and it is called postpartum depression and it is never glamorous. You need to consult a doctor to overcome such depression and fight it.

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