Top 9 Tried And Tested Advice On How To Make Up After A Fight

tried, tested, advice, heated, argument, making up

Fighting with someone you know or having a heated argument with them is the easy part. The hard part is the “making up” part. Here are ten tried and tested ways to make up after a fight.

1. Have to Makeup S3x

Having s3x after a fight is seriously one of the best ways of making it up to your partner. Also, the makeup s3x encounters are notoriously more passionate than normal encounters.

tried, tested, advice, heated, argument, making up


2. Apologize To The Person

You can’t seriously have to make s3x with every person you fight. And it doesn’t hurt to be the bigger person every once in a while. Apologize and try to work things out as a mature person.

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3. If Apologies Are Off The Table Then Agree To Disagree

At least you’ll be on the same page then, right?

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4. Take Some Time Off And Blow Some Steam

Some people get too caught up in their emotions. They need time and distance to properly work out their issues. It’s best for such folks to take a break and try to make up later.

tried, tested, advice, heated, argument, making up

5. Try A Peace Offering

Try sealing the deal with chocolates. Because no one hates chocolates. And if they do hate chocolates then consider kicking them out of your life. You don’t need such toxic negativity in your life.

tried, tested, advice, heated, argument, making up