Street Singer Was Ignored By Everyone, Then 4 Kittens Came To Show Their Support


We all love listening to music and whenever we find a singer singing some soulful song then we all stand by and listen to the songs. It especially when we are in a relaxed mood and during our holidays.

It’s not fun for those performers that stay there just to make you happy. So many people usually ignore them. Even they don’t care about their efforts and their talent. Here we tell you the story of Malaysian busker who was singing the song full night and playing the guitar from the video.

Even no one paid attention to him. Even there was a crowd but they were engaged in their affairs than one kitten came and started to listen to his music. It was just three-month-old kittens. Those moments were the cutest moment and spread the smile on the singer’s face. And those kittens boost his energy and courage him to sing the song.

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