20+ Real life sets and locations during and after a famous shoot


Nowadays a lot of sets and location are not real but they are computer-generated but no the other side there are some sets and location which are real and taken from reallocation. Here are some of such sets and location which once appeared in the famous movie and TV show. Check them out here.

Here are photos of famous locations during and after a shoot – how many would you recognize today? 

1. Beverly Hills Cop

2. Fight Club

3. Ghostbusters

4. Lethal Weapon

5. Rush Hour

6. Training Day

7. Back to the Future

8. Heartbreakers

9. Audrey Hepburn and her husband

10. Scarface

11. Home Alone

12. A Michael Jackson clip

13. Reservoir Dogs

14. Wayne’s World

15. X-Files

16. Halloween

17. Terminator

18. Fist 2: Weapon of Choice

19. Kill Bill

20. Terminator 2: Judgment Day

21. Halloween

22. Heat

23. Last Action Hero

24. The Mask

25. Twin Peaks

26. Pulp Fiction

27. Fight Club

28. Heartbreakers

29. Ghostbusters