10+ Pets That Can Get Cozy Just About Anywhere

pets, cozy, superpower, comfortable, marble, owner, shoes,

All cats have a superpower: they can get comfortable anywhere. From a marble statue to their owner’s shoes — they feel great everywhere. By the way, it’s not just cats that have this great talent. Bigger animals can do the same thing: there is a bonus photo at the end of a siesta in the zoo.

This cat wants more attention.

pets, cozy, superpower, comfortable, marble, owner, shoes,


“The territory has been overtaken!”

pets, cozy, superpower, comfortable, marble, owner, shoes,


How do you like this KFC bucket?

pets, cozy, superpower, comfortable, marble, owner, shoes,


Cats also love being near the fire.

pets, cozy, superpower, comfortable, marble, owner, shoes,


I sleep where I want.

pets, cozy, superpower, comfortable, marble, owner, shoes,


“I feel great here!”

pets, cozy, superpower, comfortable, marble, owner, shoes,