5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Hold In Your Fart, According to Science


A person farts 15 times a day on average and that number can go up to 40! Farting is caused by air and bodily gases that are trapped. Although it is an entirely natural operation, at times it can be noisy and embarrassing and that is why most of us tend to keep it in. Doing so though, may not be such a brilliant idea.

1. Your body might reabsorb it.

The body is left with no choice but to reabsorb it when you force your body to hold onto your fart. It is again put into circulation and can escape by your breath or as a burp as well.

2. It can lead to pain and heartburn.

It creates pressure within your body as you contract your muscles to prevent farts from escaping, which can result in discomfort, indigestion, and heartburn. It can also cause swelling in your digestive tract if done frequently.

3. It affects your colon health.

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In your body, farting reduces the strain. While farting is good for your colon, it can irritate it by keeping it in and can also cause hemorrhoids.

4. It will make you feel bloated all the time.

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Although it is still debatable whether you are simply bloated by holding in farts or not, it has been discovered that willingly keeping them inside makes you worry and gives you the feeling that you may be bloated.

5. It might be signaling a worse problem.

Although farting is fully natural and healthy, it may potentially point to possible health problems such as food intolerance and digestive problems with its pattern and odor. High sulfur content in your body can also be demonstrated by extremely stinky farts. We recommend you see a doctor if your farts sound uncomfortable or anything other than usual for you.

Bonus: Tricks to use to avoid stinky and loud farts

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Because they create more gas in your body, stop consuming carbonated beverages. Eat smaller portions and slowly chew. To avoid farts from smelling unpleasant, consume foods like bananas, potatoes, cereal, and wheat on a regular basis.

Did you ever find yourself in a position where you were forced to hold your fart? In the comments, share your stories with us!