Why We Close Our Eyes When We Kiss


For 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds, the world’s longest kiss lasted. Though we don’t know how the couple managed to hang on for so long, we do have an answer to the golden question that at some point we’ve all wondered about Why do people kiss with their eyes closed?

It helps our brain to focus better.

© Siberia / Saban Films

If there are so many visuals or distractions around, it becomes difficult for our brain to concentrate, according to a study conducted by psychologists. When our eyes are doing more work, our capacity to detect stuff gets worse.

It means you want to feel more with your touch.

© The Kissing Booth 2 / Netflix

Much as it lets you get rid of the distractions around you by shutting your eyes, it also allows you to enjoy the feeling of kissing entirely. We encourage our brain to maintain its attention on touch, rather than on other sensory sensations, by closing our eyes to kiss.

It helps us feel less vulnerable.


It can make you or your partner feel vulnerable because kissing is one of the most personal and intimate things ever. We automatically choose to close our eyes before we lean in for a kiss to stop this and the feeling of awkwardness.

The alternative could be “creepy” or simply “too much.”

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Although eye contact is typically attractive, kissing may not be possible with your eyes open. Doing so would not only make your partner unhappy, but empirical research shows that it may make your brain feel overwhelmed and prevent you from feeling too much if anything at all.

Have you ever kissed someone with open eyes?