8 Awkward Situations Almost Every Girl Has Been In


It is never simple to deal with beauty products. In the most awkward circumstances (such as public toilets, for instance), some of us had to quickly repair our makeup. Others didn’t know when to stop and they loaded their dressing tables with all kinds of makeup and other items. And let’s not even mention when our containers of makeup are bursting.

“How it looks on a model vs How it looks on me”

© JunkInTheTrunk / Reddit

Makeup removal looks like this:

© whitneyg3 / Reddit

This face mask cost $130

© queenrosecroix / reddit

Sometimes, you have to fix your makeup in the most extreme situations.

© Myfishwillkillyou / reddit

“I asked my boyfriend to buy me some sunscreen, and he brought me a hooded sun shirt.”

© tabularasa1 / reddit

“My new palette”

© Zaxharie / reddit

A rabbit has eaten a cherry and looks stunning with red lips.

© Pigboymom / reddit

Found in the bathroom of my friend’s daughter, 13. May the power, young one, be with you! ”

© Ninofalls / reddit

Here’s a reminder to be careful of where you are putting your SPF! ”

© meagies / reddit

Preview photo credit JunkInTheTrunk / Reddit