10 Things No Woman Should Ever Apologize For


Women, even though they’re powerful and autonomous, are delicate creatures. Sometimes, with all they say, do, and even feel, they actually experience needless remorse. Because of the pressure from outside, this also happens: “you need children,” “your hobby is ridiculous,” “you dress like a guy,” and thousands of other stuff. You shouldn’t apologize for this, though.

1. For saying “no”

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Women often feel bad for saying “no.” Saying “yes,” is often simpler, no matter what the outcome might be. This might surprise you, but that’s not what you should apologize for. Yeah, I know that you feel bad when you refuse to support a friend or tell a guy that you don’t want to date him.

But first of all, think of you; there is probably a reason why you have to deny it. No matter how tiny it is – no one has the right to force you if you don’t feel like saying “yes,”

2. For liking “manly” or “girly” things

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“Honey, it’s time to find a more appropriate hobby, you’re a lady!” How often have you heard something like this? Who on Earth told you that if you’re a woman, you can’t be an auto mechanic?

Keep in mind that it is your life and that you know what you want. There’s no excuse why, instead of knitting, you can’t like bikes; or instead of bikes, you can knit. Oh, after all, we live in the 21st century!

3. For not wearing makeup

Hands up if you ever thought like you were supposed to wear lipstick, because, yeah, you’re a woman. Even if you don’t like it, you feel the strain sometimes. One important thing, I’ll tell you. Do not apply it if you don’t like makeup. It’s your preference if you want a thin touch of facial powder instead of a coat of makeup.

After all, you have all the reasons to be proud of it if you have awesome skin without all this contouring, non-touring, and hundreds of other ways of drawing a new profile.

4. For food choices

When you even have to defend your food choices, particularly among friends or family, life is difficult. “Why don’t you drink? Come on, just a glass!” or “What do you mean you don’t eat meat?!” Even though everyone else prefers a burger (or vice versa), such a small thing as eating a salad can lead to persuasion and strain.

No one should feel bad about the food choices they make. It’s all your business if you don’t like fish. Go for a new thing and don’t even think about making excuses.

5. For having fun

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“What would people think?”What would people think?

Hey girl, who’s going to care? If it hurts someone, you can do what you want. People are either going to smile or raise their eyebrows… or they’re not going to hear – anyway, who cares? Most definitely, you won’t ever see them again. Why should you deny the pure pleasure of these seconds?

6. For being a little selfish

Selfishness, especially if it comes in small portions, isn’t that bad. It’s all right if you want time for yourself, not your career, friends, family, or other duties. It’s all right, after a long day, that you want to rest alone (or not alone) and postpone anything.

If you want the last piece of cake or that thing from the store, you shouldn’t apologize and you don’t even have to justify why you need it. Simply, you do. This is your little slice of joy.

7. For having emotions

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Human beings have feelings; everyone knows that. You need to weep or laugh occasionally… Since only. You might want to be alone and not speak to anyone, or you might want to hug your best friend right now.

You can be furious, you can be pleased, you can be shocked, you can be upset, you can be sad, you can be indifferent – and you shouldn’t apologize just for not addressing anyone with a smile.

8. For needing help and asking for it

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At least once, almost every woman was in a position where she needed assistance but was too afraid to ask for it. We prefer to feel bad when we can’t do anything ourselves, whether it’s a large piece of luggage to lift on a shelf or some duty at home.

You should understand that it is perfectly natural to ask for support and no one will judge you. Besides, most individuals will be willing to help when you just have to ask, because everyone likes to be needed. And instead of apologizing, say your sincere “thank you” – it will be much more appreciated by them.

9. For having a different opinion

Fortunately, we live in a country where no one forbids us to share our opinions. People may or may not like it, but it is their company. You can say “no” without feeling bad if your friend asks you whether or not you like this new book by a popular author. There’s nothing to apologize for, you just don’t like the look. It’s not like you told her to throw away this book, huh?

The only situation where you have to apologize for your feelings being shared is when you did so in a disrespectful and impolite way.

10. For what you’re wearing

Someone who is not pleased with your style is still there. It’s a matter of taste and your comfort level shouldn’t be affected.

It doesn’t matter if you like sweet princess dresses, a sporty style, or old jeans from your dad. You should wear anything you want unless you go for a walk in a bikini or break the dress code at work.