Instagram Model Offers Women Help To Expose Their Boyfriends


A huge thank you to life in the modern era; to pull off hacking is a lot more checking! Paige Woolen is a model and an incredible sweetheart. She has more than 200,000 followers on Instagram, and she posts incredible images of herself day after day.


There is a line of savages hanging on to censor the poop from her, but one argument has been obstructed for once, exposing cheating boyfriends by slipping into their DMs.


In order to disgrace men for openly sending her unseemly messages, the Los Angeles-based runs an account called @Dudesinthedm. In the aftermath of seeing that those who DM her are clearly in serious relationships, the 28-Year-Old Maxim Australia model began the journey.


Currently, she has promised to help ladies reveal their cheating husbands, including girlfriends. ‘I saw a lot of guys who DM had profile photos with their lady friends for me. This made me keep thinking about whether their girlfriends knew or cared that they were DM irregular young ladies in their swimming outfits with photos. I think that snitches get stitches, but I felt like using @dudesinthedm’s strength for good and helping my female followers out.


She added:’ I posted from my main account a story about DM’ing their boyfriend to see whether they would cop or not to have a Gf. Surprisingly, most of them did not respond, said something negative, or told me that they had a girlfriend. Only a few were lying that they were single.


It turned out, with mixed reactions, Woolen’s offer was accepted, with some calling her a hero, while a few accused her of entrapment and even called her a prostitute. However, some cheats caught the bait-the image below is proof!