10+ People Showing What Actually Stays Behind the Scenes of Perfect Photos


How many friends do you need to give yourself a perfect selfie? And are those images on social media that get hundreds of likes really true? Users go through drastic lengths in order to build the requisite atmosphere, and that’s why looking behind the scenes is so fascinating.

When it takes too much time to find the right angle:

© ianmvjr / Twitter

3, 2, 1…and relax.


Perfect illumination

© kendall_erika / Twitter

“Come on, all we need is this photo that everybody has.”

When the light is just as good at the shop like the one at the studio:

© abbiegkrider / Twitter

“She said that her legs were going to look longer.”

When your girlfriend takes pictures of everything, you just take pictures of her.

The secret is revealed…

 stavyjoe / Twitter

No filters…almost.

© torigotbored / Twitter

Since they do not want to wait for the light of day…

© betzyrodriguez_ / Twitter

All you need is proper lighting and a few hours of Photoshop!

© brandonwoelfel / Twitter

Friends will be there for you forever.

© ayusdw_ / Twitter

Mom chose to add some decor:

ay_yu_mi / Twitter

Gorgeous images warrant sacrifices.

© WRLLOWS / Twitter

If the work of a photographer is a workout routine:

© relatablequote / Twitter

There are, of course, still more images exposing the facts about the world of selfies. That’s why you only need to share with us your own pics! Let’s show that images are not suitable on social networks.

Preview photo credit powerapple