These Women Have Told the World Why They’re Grateful for Every Pound They Put On


While many women are always worried about how to get thinner around the world, there are others who do their best to figure out how to put on weight.

The tales of these women who are measuring the pounds they gain rather than how many they lose have seriously impressed us. They’ve grown to love themselves as they are, despite both the psychological and physical challenges. To do the same, we advise all.

Hayley Harris

Hayley Harris says she started starving herself to get closer to achieving the delicate, ultra-slim look that in glossy magazines is always idealized for women.

When she was in the hospital recovering from an eating disorder, she first launched her Instagram account. Hayley says that her followers’ love helped her deal with her condition. Now she spends her time campaigning against the PU.

Courtney Black

Just a couple of years ago, Courtney Black weighed about 99 lbs. She worked as a fitness model, and she was persuaded that only if she was incredibly slim would the beauty of her muscles be seen. She cut her intake of food to 800 calories and exhausted herself to the point that she had to go to the hospital with hunger. Courtney started to consume 2,000 calories a day after surgery.

Megan Jayne Crabbe


At the age of 13, Megan Jayne Crabbe weighed just 61 lbs. Her adolescent hangups just went too far. She was never happy with her body, however much she weighed.


Megan is not modest about her beauty today, and she devotes her Instagram account to the belief that there is no such thing as a woman who is not pretty—all it’s all in our heads.

Sarah Ramadan

It’s Sarah Ramadan here. 2 years and 44 lbs are the difference between these two pictures. Sarah suffered from depression at 18, and this led her to anorexia. “I have lived for too long to apologize for the extra calories I wanted,” Sarah admits. She is doing bodybuilding now and is very pleased with the way she looks.

Margherita Barbieri

As a dancer, Margherita Barbieri played. She came to the realization that her lack of performance was due to not being slim enough after getting many refusals at important casting sessions. She started starving herself literally. Her weight fell to 55 lbs as a result. Margherita now realizes that one’s wellbeing is more important than anything else,

Aroosha Nekonam

Aroosha Nekonam is a prolific fitness blogger who is in high demand and a personal coach. But on her Instagram account, she wrote, “My beloved body, forgive me for treating you badly.” Aroosha, a perfectionist by birth, wanted to go on a diet after completing college, which was eventually turned into a hunger regime.

Connie Inglis


Ever since she was a teenager, Connie Inglis has suffered from anorexia: now for ten years. She tries to put on weight occasionally and sometimes sinks back into her old habits. It’s for this reason that she set up an Instagram account. It’s here that she receives encouragement and publishes motivational messages from her fans. Photos of sweet stuff, for instance, that she is trying to eat some of.

Erika “The Tiger”

From the age of 16, Erika The Tiger had anorexia and bulimia. She saw herself, like many other young people, as too overweight and simply stopped eating one day. She then started to hate how thin she was, trying to conceal it under shapeless clothing. Erika started to play sport, got married, and stopped being ashamed of her body by learning to deal with her disease.

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