4 Types of Poor Posture and How to Fix Each of Them


Human spines are meant to have natural curves, but having too many of them can cause health issues. Good posture not only gives us more control over our bodies and enhances our overall appearance, but it also has an effect on the function of our internal organs and nervous system. However, we sometimes neglect back pain until it manifests in more serious symptoms.

1. Sway-back posture

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Start by paying attention to your pelvis to see if you have a sway-back stance. Your pelvis is bent and pulled away from its neutral position in this position. You may also note that your upper back is curled excessively. Because of the need to compensate for this body position, your hamstrings are likely to be tight, and you will find an imbalance in other areas of your body.

Why is this bad for you?

  • When you’re in the wrong place, your body weight is distributed unevenly, causing joint stiffness over time.
  • Ligaments become strained as a result of undue pressure, making the spine less stable.

How you can fix it:

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  • Make sure the muscles are balanced. Although it’s best to meet with a doctor to develop a fitness routine that’s right for you, you can also try some workouts at home. Poses in yoga Stretch tight hip flexors with Warrior Pose I and stretching lunges, which may be one of the causes of this issue.
  • Weak glutes and quads are one of the causes of swayback posture. So, with the right exercises, such as half-squats, you will strengthen these muscles.
  • You have control of how you stand. To stand up straight, try to use all of your muscles.

2. Hyperlordosis

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An abnormal curve in the lower back is a sign of hyperlordosis. The stomach is protruding too far away, and the glutes are protruding too far out. When viewed from the side, the body resembles the letter C.

Why is this bad for you?

  • This form of bad posture can cause muscle stiffness and restricted movement.
  • Hyperlordosis can cause lower back pain, slipped discs, and leg numbness. It can also affect the sciatic nerve, causing tingling and leg numbness.

How you can fix it:

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  • Strengthen your core muscles. Do planks of various types, hip bridge exercises, squats, and leg raise?
  • Obesity, which places extra strain on the lower back, maybe one of the causes of hyperlordosis. If this is the case, losing weight will aid in the correction of this posture.

3. Kyphosis

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If the spine has an unnatural slope, which may look like a hump, kyphosis appears as a rounded upper back. This can occur when a person spends too much time in a bowed position, such as when seated, and the head continues to remain in the forward position.

Why is this bad for you?

  • Kyphosis can lead to back pain and muscle tension in the long run.
  • It can cause breathing and digestive problems, as well as make performing daily tasks more difficult.

How you can fix it:

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  • Sticking to a fitness schedule is crucial to success. This series of exercises has been recommended by a doctor to help you strengthen your back’s condition.
  • Experiment with different release strategies. To do this properly, you’ll need a massage ball. You may use these methods to alleviate stress and increase your range of motion by applying pressure to a specific point.

4. Forward-head posture

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With the increased use of digital devices such as laptops and smartphones, forward-head posture has become very normal. Instead of sitting directly above the shoulders, the head shifts forward and lies in front of them in this situation. This position places an undue amount of pressure on the neck muscles and spine, increasing the risk of degeneration.

Why is this bad for you?

  • This position induces neck muscle tension and pain, which can lead to headaches.
  • It can also cause mid-back stiffness and discomfort, as well as chest pain and uncomfortable feelings in your arms.

How you can fix it:

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  • To hold your neck in a neutral posture and stop flexing forward, choose an orthopaedic pillow with the right firmness.
  • Adjust your workspace so that your computer screen is at eye level and you can function while resting your head on a headrest.
  • Tone and stretch your neck and upper back muscles to alleviate stress and make it easier to maintain proper spine alignment.

Bonus: What good posture looks like

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Try these basic tests to determine whether or not you have good posture:

  • With the back of your head, neck, elbows, and wrists, touch a wall. Your spine should be parallel to the wall and smooth. Your feet should be about 6 inches from the wall and on the ground. Raise your arms parallel to the ground while bending your elbows. Make sure your arms, shoulders, and wrists are still touching the wall. Then, at the elbows, try to rotate your arms up. During the test motions, you must keep your wrists near the wall. You may have a posture issue if you can’t touch the wall without arching your back or losing contact with one of the sections (head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and lower back).
  • Start in the same place as the previous test, but shift your feet closer to the wall (about 2 inches away) and make sure your shoulder blades are still touching the wall. The gap between your lower back and the wall should be tested. All should be fine if you can get your hand there. However, if there is more space, it may indicate hyperlordosis.
  • When you’re standing up straight, look at how your hands rest. Your stance is good if your palms are parallel. However, if both or one of your palms is facing your thighs from the front, it could indicate a problem.

How do you keep your posture in check? Do you have any tips for keeping your back in good shape?

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