Why Most Japanese Bathe in the Evening


According to new studies, taking a hot bath or shower before bed will help you sleep better. And it seems that the Japanese were aware of this for many years before the rest of the world! They discovered a plethora of other explanations for bathing at night.

The Japanese practise a lengthy bathing ceremony.


The Japanese have a unique bathing routine that consists of many steps. They shower first to get rid of the dust and sweat, and then enjoy a long, luxurious soak in the tub. Green tea and other herbs can be added to the water to help calm the body, cleanse the skin, and tone the mind. The temperature of the water is also carefully selected by the Japanese; it’s necessary to keep it cool — not exceeding 40°C — because water that’s too hot can cause moisture loss and open pores.

They continue to practise old family customs.

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The luxury of a morning shower was only recently made available in Japan, as well as the rest of the world. In the nineteenth century, Japanese homes lacked hot water, heating, and indoor plumbing. As a result, most people had to first boil hot water before taking a hot bath. This procedure takes a long time! As a result, the popular practise of bathing in the evening continued.

They frequently go to public baths and hot springs.

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In Japan, public baths and hot springs are very common. People of all ages visit not only to bathe, but also to relax and spend time doing something enjoyable. It could be defined as a form of entertainment. There are typically less people at night, allowing you to be alone with your thoughts. Relaxation at its finest!

They don’t have enough time in the mornings.

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The Japanese are workaholics to the heart. Around 4.5 million full-time employees in Japan work second jobs, putting in between 6 and 14 extra hours a week on average. Furthermore, punctuality is extremely essential in Japan. It can be viewed negatively if you arrive even a few minutes late. As a result, the Japanese do not have a single free minute in the morning.

They are affected by the climate.

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Summer in Japan is very hot and humid. The majority of people do not drive and instead rely on public transportation, allowing them to fully experience the effects of the weather. They wouldn’t feel right if they didn’t take a long shower at the end of the day.

Since most Japanese homes lack central air and heat, they are extremely cold in the winter. They use the bathroom before going to bed to not only bathe, but also to warm up.

When are you going to take a bath? And what’s the rationale for that one?