Woman Hits Back At People Trolling Her ‘Unedited Photos’ With A Selfie Of Her Mom Bod


First and foremost, congrats to Sarah Nicole Landry on the birth of her fourth child in January! Lemmie, Sarah’s baby girl, was born through water immersion. The Canadian mom and blogger often write about how magical, raw, and beautiful motherhood is for her. Still, in the midst of the magic, there’s still that naysayer whose uninvited thoughts are truly hurtful.

Sarah posted a photo of her stretch marks and postpartum body with screenshots of hateful comments.


Is it really necessary to shame mothers now?

The comments range from urging her to get to the gym as soon as possible to telling her she shouldn’t wear the bikini any longer because she is a mother. “I’ve been dealing with remarks around me wearing this bikini for a week,” Sarah said.

Sarah said that critics would tell her she needed a tummy tuck and would call her “disgusting” and “lazy.”

But, alongside the hate tweets, there were also compliments from other mothers on the same selfie.


“We have to demonstrate that this is absolutely natural for a body to adapt to after children OR even without children,” she clarified why this post was important.

“You can’t just hide until you’re acceptable and then turn up,” says the narrator.

The founder of the Pink Papaya app often discusses how anxiety was the most difficult aspect of her first pregnancy.


The mother admitted that her third pregnancy had been the most difficult of her life. She used to work out a lot to get back in shape since having her first child a decade ago, but now she prefers to embrace herself.

In another article, she wrote, “For many of us, we know the pouch way too well and self-criticize all too much about how our bodies carved out.” She also added a humorous caption to a photo of her own ‘pouch,’ saying, “No one criticises kangaroo mamas for still having a pouch after giving birth, so stop criticising yourself!”

“When they say I have no self-respect, I see they have no respect for me.”


More than 278k people liked her viral post of a close-up of her stretch marks and tummy bag. Several people thanked her for being so forthright in speaking on behalf of all other mothers. “Forever grateful for your words, stories, and mission for women,” one person wrote.

“Thank you for being such a strong voice in this room to inspire so many of us,” one person wrote.

Please accept my apologies! Sarah emphasises that the hateful remarks should not describe them.


“When they end it like that, I’m just disgusted,” the inspiring post continued, “I know they missed out on the best parts of me.”

And, in response to those who advised her to cover or have a tummy tuck, she said, “So there you have it. That is not acceptable to me.”