Artist Draws Her Daily Life Being A Girl In 15+ Hilarious Comics


Being a woman isn’t all about having a good time. It’s an entire school that doesn’t have a graduation certificate. Every lady in the world faces unanticipated challenges, and they, of course, come up with imaginative justifications that many men don’t understand. Artist Amby Vaingankar depicts the above via her beautiful illustrations. A girl’s daily life can swing from being fantastic to being gruesome in a matter of seconds. The Indian singer uses her social media platforms to highlight the stark realities of women’s difficulties.

Regardless matter the situation, Amby keeps her head held high and preaches to her followers to do the same. Being a woman is a difficult task in and of itself. Is there anything that girls don’t have to deal with, from body difficulties to relationships? So, to all the modern girls around the world, know that you are not alone in your troubles, and that Artist Amby is always here to cheer you up. We’ve selected 30 of Amby’s newest for you to share in her light, relate to them, and laugh out loud. These tragedies and predicaments are all too familiar!

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According to Artist Amby, there appears to be so much going on in every woman’s life. Every girl’s life has amusing, sad, and even strange situations. In her comic book, 26-year-old Amby depicts a woman’s existence and explains everything there is to know about being a lady. Being a modern woman may also be enjoyable.


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Amby’s comics are straightforward, original, and amusing. They’ll make you laugh out loud and are impressive in a variety of ways. Everything is touched upon by the artist, even the problem of being pressed to marry. Women, on the other hand, should be viewed as Superheroes.


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For many females, life can be difficult, especially when they try out new hacks based on the current beauty videos. Artist Amby’s cartoons are about the challenges that ladies face on a daily basis, and they get right to the point. Rather than being upset about being born a girl, take pride in yourself and laugh at some of the problems you’ve faced.

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If you’re above the age of 20 in 2020, life has almost certainly been a ***hole at some point. These illustrations, on the other hand, are spot on and ideal for swiping away your tension. You will undoubtedly feel better about your difficulties. Live life with a sense of humour rather than a sense of frustration!

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Girls’ Life is primarily a never-ending storey. These comics are mostly based on Amby’s encounters, from applying makeup to choosing the perfect dress. Would you like a notebook to help you live your best life as a woman? No matter how much it cost, every lady would want it!