15 Gorgeous Movie Dresses That Almost Outshined the Actresses Who Wore Them


Dresses have a part in movies as well. They may enthral viewers just as much as storey twists or acting ability. Not unexpectedly, certain heroines’ clothes are so stunning that they have gone down in fashion history.

Fiona Johnson, The Matrix (1999)

© The Matrix / Warner Bros. Pictures, © The Matrix / Warner Bros. Pictures

“Were you paying attention to me, Neo?” Or were you staring at the red-dressed lady?” Morpheus inquired. Against the backdrop of black suits, the gorgeous red dress draws even more attention. This strategy works for both the audience and the characters in the film. The woman in red is revealed to be a purposeful diversion in The Matrix, a simulated individual who is a part of the Agent training programme. While the woman appears to be innocuous, she is dressed in a bright red to distract trainees, resulting in the so-called “red dress effect.”

Nicole Kidman, The Golden Compass (2007)

© The Golden Compass / New Line Cinema, © The Golden Compass / New Line Cinema

Mrs. Coulter’s gold gown in The Golden Compass was created around a little piece of lace worn by Nicole Kidman’s character. Ruth Myers, the costume designer, said she was inspired by old Hollywood and pure elegance, and that she wanted moviegoers to get the impression that Kidman’s figure flows rather than moves through the garments.

Léa Seydoux, Beauty and the Beast (2014)

© La belle & la bête / Pathé, © La belle & la bête / Pathé

When Belle visits the Beast’s castle, she dons a royal emerald green gown. She wanders into the woodland and discovers the burial of a deer who was the castle owner’s favourite (she was the Nymph of the Forest who became human to experience love). Pierre-Yves Gayraud designed this dress, as well as the other costumes in the film, and they all incorporate elements of Empire and Renaissance styles.

Mélanie Laurent, Inglorious Bastards (2009)

© Inglorious Bastards / The Weinstein Company

The heroine’s determination to revenge her family is portrayed in this vibrant scarlet 1940s style dress designed by costume designer Anna B. Sheppard. Her determination is emphasised by the fact that her lipstick and nail paint match her clothing, foreshadowing the dramatic finale of the action in the movie theatre where the villains have congregated.

Emma Stone, La La Land (2016)

© La La Land / Summit Entertainment, © La La Land / Summit Entertainment

To the party when she meets Sebastian, Emma Stone’s character wears a retro-style blue cocktail dress by Mary Zofres (Ryan Gosling). The colour blue represents the creative potential that both Mia and Sebastian possess throughout the film. In the same moment, he also wears a blue suit.

Olivia Hussey, Romeo and Juliet (1968)

© Romeo and Juliet / Paramount Pictures, © Romeo and Juliet / Paramount Pictures

Juliet’s costume, like all of the clothing in this film, is authentic to the historical period — the 15th century style. The costume designer chose a scarlet hue of red for the Capulet family, to whom Juliet belongs, and a restrained blue for the Montague line.

Kirsten Dunst, Marie Antoinette (2006)

© Marie Antoinette / Columbia Pictures, © Marie Antoinette / Columbia Pictures

Milena Canonero, the costume designer, produced garments that were not only in the style of the time, but also had a hidden message. When Marie Antoinette receives a discouraging letter from home, she wears this garment with the flowery pattern, which mirrors the pattern on the walls. Her brothers and sisters have already had children, according to the letter, but she has yet to have any. Marie Antoinette follows the rules of life at opulent Versailles and loses herself in the process of fulfilling someone else’s wishes.

Marilyn Monroe, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)

© Gentlemen Prefer Blondes / 20th Century Studios, © AF Archive / Mary Evans Picture Library / Cinetext Bildarchiv / East News

Marilyn Monroe, the most famous blonde of the 1950s, wears a stunning pink satin bustier dress with matching evening gloves. She captivates the audience with her rendition of the renowned song “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend.” The pink dress went on to become a fashion landmark and the subject of several imitators, the most renowned of which was Madonna in her 1985 music video for “Material Girl.”

Emma Watson, Beauty and the Beast (2017)

© Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures, © Beauty and the Beast / Walt Disney Pictures

With minimal adjustments, the yellow ball gown from Disney’s animated film Beauty and the Beast was replicated in the film. Emma Watson wanted her Belle to be modern, tough, and fearless, but the animated princess’s outfit generated a different vibe. Jacqueline Durran, the costume designer, attempted to strike a balance between the delicate doll outfit and the modern depiction of the protagonist.

Cate Blanchett, Cinderella (2015)

© Cinderella / Walt Disney Pictures, © Cinderella / Walt Disney Pictures

Sandy Powell, who designed the evil stepmother’s outfits, drew inspiration from 1940s fashion to make the villain look trendy, colourful, and recognised. As in this toxic green gown worn by Cate Blanchett at Cinderella’s most important ball.

Rachel McAdams, The Notebook (2004)

© The Notebook / New Line Cinema, © The Notebook / New Line Cinema

In this modest yet elegant buttoned dress, Allie returns to Noah. When they finally meet, they have one of the most famous love scenes of all time: a rainy-day kiss. Karyn Wagner, the costume designer, says she spent time creating what she thought reflected both the age and who Allie is expected to become, as well as the woman she wants to be, which were in direct contradiction. That dress’s colour represents hope.

Carey Mulligan, The Great Gatsby (2013)

© The Great Gatsby / Warner Bros. Pictures, © The Great Gatsby / Warner Bros. Pictures

This heroine’s beige gown has a modest design but is lavishly embellished with crystal drips. Daisy dresses up for one of Gatsby’s extravagant parties, which he informs her are solely for her. This outfit was inspired by look 33 from Prada’s Spring/Summer 2010 runway show, according to costume designer Catherine Martin.

Anya Taylor-Joy, Emma (2020)

© Emma / Focus Features, © Emma / Focus Features

This is a relatively plain, but delicate and distinctive clothing in comparison to the heroine’s previous more sophisticated ensembles. In the scene where Emma learns about George Knightley’s feelings, the floral adornment reflects the views of nature. This visual harmony is the result of costume designer Alexandra Byrne’s decision to employ colour in such a powerful way that there would be times when Emma belonged in her environment and other when she was at war with it.

Emma Watson, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)

© Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros. Pictures, © Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / Warner Bros. Pictures

Hermione’s first truly feminine look (and outfit) in the Harry Potter films is the beautiful pink dress with ruffles. Harry and Ron finally recognise Hermione is not only a friend and a great student, but also a beautiful lady, thanks to the clothing and the new hairstyle.

Liv Tyler, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2003)

© The Lord of the Rings / New Line Cinema, © The Lord of the Rings / New Line Cinema

Requiem is the name of this velvet elven garment with beautiful needlework (it was signed in the movie costume exhibition this way). It’s most likely because Arwen wears it at the scene where her father urges her to abandon her ambitions of living with a common man and sail away to Valinor, the kingdom of the immortal elves.

Which of these gowns would you like to try on first? Let us know in the comments section below.

Preview photo credit The Matrix / Warner Bros. Pictures, Cinderella / Walt Disney Pictures