Why More Happy Couples Prefer to Sleep in Separate Beds


Only 14% of couples sleep in separate beds every night, according to a survey. While many of us believe that “couples who sleep apart grow apart,” studies reveal that the contrary is true.

Couples who have had a bad night’s sleep are more likely to argue.


Sharing a bed with a spouse who has disturbed sleep behaviour can rob you of 49 minutes of sleep per night, according to study. And, if one spouse doesn’t get a good night’s sleep because of the other, it’ll almost certainly lead to a fight the next day.

In fact, the study found that couples who had a bad night’s sleep have more serious and frequent disputes than couples who wake up well rested. People who get enough sleep, on the other hand, are more likely to be cheerful, have lower stress levels, and be patient.

It can be damaging to your relationship to resent your partner because you can’t get a decent night’s sleep.


Snoring, fidgeting, and hogging the bed or blanket are just a few of the numerous reasons why some couples prefer to sleep in separate beds or even bedrooms. Listening to your partner snore while beating yourself up for not falling asleep can lead to a build-up of resentment, rage, and tension toward your relationship.

According to Jennifer Adams, author of Sleeping Apart, Not Falling Apart, sleeping in separate bedrooms can actually help a relationship grow by ensuring that both couples get enough sleep.

Each couple has complete control over their sleeping arrangements.


Tina Cooper, a professional social worker, and her partner sleep in separate bedrooms due to their opposing sleeping habits. “I’m a night owl, and he’s an early bird,” she says. To fall asleep, I require soothing sounds, whereas he prefers solitude. He prefers a firm mattress, but I choose one that is soft and full of cushions. My boyfriend offered me the master bedroom, which gets less light, because I don’t like the early morning sunshine, and he got the second largest room, which gets the sunrise he loves.”


Your daytime functioning, marital satisfaction, and psychological and physical health can all be influenced by how you spend the night in your shared bedroom with your partner. And, if two people with opposing bedtime preferences and nocturnal schedules find up together, adjusting themselves to meet their partner’s requirements may end up harming their relationship in the long run.

Sleeping in separate beds with your lover ensures that you and your partner will have a private space to unwind after a long day. This way, you can both meet your needs without having to tiptoe around and worry about waking up your partner because you want to watch the latest episode of Netflix

Even if you don’t recall waking up, a restless night’s sleep might harm your general health.


Our brain cycles through the stages of sleep numerous times during the night: light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep (Rapid eye movement sleep). When you break the cycle by waking up in the middle of the night, your brain spends more time in light sleep and misses out on REM sleep. Your emotional well-being and cognitive performance will decrease if you don’t get enough REM.

Short- and long-term health repercussions of interrupted sleep include hypertension, weight-related issues, mental health concerns, poor quality of life, and other health-related issues.

Redditors explain why they chose to sleep apart from their partners.


“Because nothing beats a good night’s sleep over sharing a bed. I snort and toss and turn in my sleep. In his sleep, he emits heat that is comparable to that of a village, and I can’t bear it. He can’t stand light, according to what I’ve read. To some extent, we keep distinct hours. There are a million reasons for this. This way, we get along so much better.” – crankyweasels

“Both my boyfriend and I have our own bedrooms. We occasionally’sleepover’ in one other’s rooms. However, we both sleep better while we’re apart. I’m an early riser, and he’s a night owl. He only wants one sheet on him, whereas I want ten pounds of blankets. Furthermore, having my own room allows me to arrange it anyway I like, have my own personal space, and maintain it clean to the standards I desire. When I mention the separate rooms idea, people look at us funny, but it’s been a game-changer.” – eriasana

“As a result of varying job schedules, people have different sleep cycles. We’re still deeply in love, and we both decided on this since it’s in our best interests.” –AFishInATank

“We had 90% of our arguments in the bedroom early on in our relationship. I prefer to sleep in a cool room with a breeze and white noise, such as from a box fan. I also like to watch TV before going to bed. She prefers to sleep in full darkness and stillness in a warm, still cave. We began sleeping in separate rooms, and 90 percent of our fights abruptly ended. Also, because we were getting proper rest, other arguments became more intense debates.” ttc8420

What kind of sleeping arrangements do you and your partner have? Do you think sleeping in separate beds may help a relationship flourish?