8 Body Language Tips That Can Make You Seem More Self-Confident


Body language is a powerful and effective tool for subtly communicating messages. In reality, it has the same power as words, and even more so when properly combined, like when we want to appear confident in front of others. We can persuade others that we are confident by our posture, gestures, and motions, even if we are uneasy or fatigued on the inside. Whether we want to make the best first impression on a date or at a job interview, paying attention to our body language is the key to achieving any of these goals.

1. Maintain as much eye contact as you can.


When it comes to interacting face-to-face with another person, according to author Michael Ellsberg, a body language specialist, eye contact is one of the most vital and powerful weapons. Maintaining correct eye contact communicates sincerity, approachability, attentiveness, and a readiness to listen. You only have to be careful not to come out as overly curious, but aside than that, it’s a highly successful strategy.

Similarly, someone who maintains eye contact during a conversation demonstrates that he or she may provide a sense of comfort while still expressing self-assurance. When chatting to someone, on the other hand, doing the reverse, namely looking away or down, is commonly misunderstood.

2. Lean slightly forward.


If you’re having a conversation with someone, you should think about your posture. If you’re seated, this is especially crucial because leaning forward can make a big difference. Leaning forward communicates to the other person that you are paying attention and interested in what they have to say. At the same time, by lowering or eliminating barriers between you and your interlocutor, such a posture communicates a message of self-assurance.

Leaning backward, on the other hand, widens the gap between you and the other person, indicating a lack of interest or attention.

3. Keep your head upright.


Introverted persons walk with their heads down or bow their heads when speaking to another person. These postures are frequently misinterpreted as a lack of self-confidence or self-esteem. If, on the other hand, someone walks or speaks to people with his or her head high, it gives the impression that they are safe, confident, and proud.

Finally, such postures suggest openness and honesty because the person isn’t hiding anything and isn’t frightened to be transparent and read by others.

4. Maintain an open and erect stance.


It’s critical to be aware of your body posture, especially while facing significant problems such as a meeting or a job interview. Your posture should be straight and you should appear calm if you wish to portray confidence. Put your shoulders back and your head up to accomplish this. This manner, you’ll appear calm while also being self-assured. Insecurity, shyness, and uneasiness are all conveyed by a hunched, stiff posture with shoulders forward and head down.

Open posture, on the other hand, refers to keeping your legs slightly apart. This also applies to your arms, which show that you are open and listening to the other person. A closed position, on the other hand, suggests the opposite, with arms and legs crossed or very close together.

5. Always keep your hands visible.


Keep your hands out of your pockets if you want someone else to see how confident you are in yourself. This, by the way, is a good method to gain other people’s trust. Putting your hands in your pockets conveys anxiety, fear, and a desire to conceal something or maintain a safe distance. As a result, it’s preferable to merely keep them visible and in a relaxed position.

When you’re feeling confident, you tend to separate your fingers more, elevate your thumbs a little higher, and pull your fingertips closer together, whether consciously or unintentionally.

6. Point your feet in the direction of the person you’re speaking with.


Although it may appear to be a little issue, the stance and placement of your feet when conversing with others is crucial. Remember that everything you do with your body, including your feet, sends a message.

Most people are thought to aim their feet at the persons with whom they identify the most, such as a best friend or a leader. As a result, you should keep your feet aligned while keeping an upright stance. This is an effective approach of expressing your interest in the other individual. This stance also gives you a more self-assured appearance. If, on the other hand, your feet begin to point outward, it could indicate worry, anxiety, discomfort, or even the need to hurry up and go.

7. Smile slightly.


According to a study conducted by neuroscientists, when chatting with someone, persons who display a tiny smile and a slight elevation of their brows generate greater sympathy and trust in their interlocutor.

When we seek help or try to communicate with others, we generally look for someone who appears nice and willing to listen, rather than someone who appears bothersome, uncomfortable, or aloof. That’s why, when conversing with people, small gestures can make a big difference.

8. Take up your own space.


You may have a tendency to shrink yourself if you are unsure about yourself or are unhappy and apprehensive about a specific circumstance. You may appear less threatening, but also less confident, as a result of doing so.

If you want to project a confident image, attempt to take up the space you require and feel at ease in it. This will be interpreted as a sense of security, confidence, and comfort.

Bonus: Why is body language so important, and how might it improve our communication?


We manage to communicate without wanting to or even opening our mouths on occasion. When we talk about body language or nonverbal communication, we’re talking about the motions we make with different areas of our bodies, particularly our faces, to convey a message.

This language, which the person with whom we are interacting can sense consciously or unconsciously (and who can reinforce or contradict what we say), aids in the creation of the notion and image that the other person has of us.


Body language is a way of transferring and strengthening confidence, which is a solid foundation for creating or improving various forms of social connections. As a result, achieving effective body expression management and control will help us feel more confident when talking, and this, in turn, will give the other person a more favourable impression of us.

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