16 Photos You Have to Rack Your Brain About Before You See What’s Going On


Our lives are full of unexpected events for which we cannot plan. If you believe nothing can surprise you any longer, have a peek at these bizarre images that will make you wonder, “What’s going on?”

Kharkiv, Ukraine, models cleaning the streets


When you’re in a rush and don’t have time to explain yourself.

© Pechenkya/pikabu

“I was not expecting to see a cow in my pool.”

© Thiiiou/reddit

Carved pearls

© d4hm3r/reddit

Cars 4 is something we’re looking forward to.

© ufmystic/reddit

A wonderful sense of humour

© Morty_Goldman/reddit

Evil magician

© ManInPeas/reddit

 When you’re really lost:

© TheLaudMoac/reddit

Are you okay?

© harigilly/twitter

This cat has just seen his owner for the first time.

© myruk89/pikabu

Too narrow

© Bakeneko/pikabu

Here you will find all sizes.

© totalinfonet/reddit


© poslepiva/pikabu

What gives that this is possible?

© guyrobs/reddit

A dog who also happens to be a dragon

© Bilautaa/reddit

What makes it so enraged?

© Huueta/pikabu

Which of the photos puzzled you the most? Please let us know in the comments section below!

Preview photo credit dozor.kharkov.uaMorty_Goldman/reddit