7 Sneaky Things That Can Make You Look 10 Years Older


Even the colour of your brows can give your face an older appearance. Sometimes we make stylistic errors that can make a 17-year-old girl look like a 33-year-old lady. But what about the good news? It’s a simple repair.

We’re looking out for your youth and beauty, and we’re exposing what faults in your appearance might make you look older.

Thin and light eyebrows


Experts say there are various aspects of your brows that can make you appear older.

You go overboard with products, making them appear fake.

You can either brighten or leave your brows pale. There is a link between ageing and the appearance of pale hair and brows. The greater the contrast on your face, the younger you appear.

You don’t fill in the tails of your brows.

Your brows become thinner as a result of your actions. There’s also a link between ageing and hair thinning.

Artificially large lips

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Because children rarely have large lips, large, fake lips are never associated with childhood. Your lips, which were given to you by nature, are in perfect harmony with the rest of your face. Although plump lips help you look younger, too much filler might make you look older.

Your hair colour should be the polar opposite of your skin tone.

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If you have a warm skin tone and dye your hair black, your new hair colour will be out of sync with your skin tone, making you appear older. As a result, the skin around your eyes may get red and the circles beneath your eyes may become more noticeable.

Too much makeup

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When it comes to design, sometimes less is more. When you apply foundation too thickly, for example, it can make you look older. It leaves an imprint on lines and wrinkles, making them appear even more harsh.

Instead of being fit, they strive for thinness.

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Women with thin, angular faces may require 20 percent to 25% body fat to keep their faces looking fresh. This thinness also affects their faces if they train out a lot and don’t eat enough. And this style can make them appear older at times.

Yellow teeth

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Teeth can yellow or discolour as they get older, and it’s also linked to getting older. It is now feasible to securely rebuild your enamel and have a healthy, youthful smile.

Hairstyles that are complicated and out of style

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Consider your hairstyle carefully. Even minor nuances might make you look older. A woman’s hairstyle can actually age her. Bangs from the 1980s, for example, can add a few years to your appearance.

What are your suggestions for keeping young? What blunders have you made that have made you appear older?

Preview photo credit Invision/Invision/East NewsMarechal Aurore/ABACA/Abaca/East News