6 Toothbrushing Mistakes That Are Keeping You From Having a Hollywood Smile


Your toothbrush contains more than a million microorganisms, most of which are unharmful but some of which might nonetheless damage your teeth. While regular brushing is necessary to maintain the health of your teeth, you may be inadvertently doing several blunders that are more detrimental than beneficial.

We made the decision to investigate this issue further in order to learn which common errors we should avoid in order to maintain the health of our teeth.

1. You’re rinsing your mouth after brushing.

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Even though you might be accustomed to rinse your mouth immediately following tooth brushing, doing so can actually reduce the effectiveness of the brushing. You might not be able to fully benefit from fluoride toothpaste because water dilutes the concentrated fluoride in it. Use a fluoride mouthwash to safeguard your enamel if you still feel the urge to rinse your mouth out of habit.

2. You aren’t brushing your tongue.

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You might want to start cleaning your tongue if you’ve ever experienced foul breath despite brushing your teeth carefully. Your taste buds provide bacteria with the ideal habitat for growth, and if you’re skipping your tongue, this could eventually result in bad breath.

3. You’re flossing too much.

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Although flossing is critical for your gums and an important element of your oral care regimen, it is possible to go overboard. There is no need to floss more than thrice a day because it takes 4 to 12 hours for hazardous bacteria to form. While flossing properly can help prevent gum disease, doing it incorrectly could have the opposite effect and possibly harm your gums.

4. You keep using your old toothbrush.

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Even though it’s simple to get connected to your preferred old toothbrush, employing it for an extended period of time can harm your gums and cause cavities. Every time you use the same toothbrush, you’re reintroducing the same bacteria to your body since there are always some food particles stuck in the bristles. Additionally, if you leave your toothbrush in a damp bathroom, it may begin to grow mould. As a result, you may want to replace your toothbrush immediately away if you see any black spots on the bristles.

5. You don’t switch your toothpastes.

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It may be tempting to buy a lot of toothpaste when you finally discover one that works wonders for your teeth. However, the oral microbes can adapt to a particular toothpaste, decreasing the effectiveness of brushing. It’s best to switch out your toothpaste every two to three months, and some dentists even advocate using a different brand in the morning and at night.

6. You’re brushing right after eating.

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While cleaning your teeth right after a meal can actually weaken your enamel, doing so right after eating can help keep hazardous bacteria at away. To maintain the health of your pearly whites, it is advised to wait 30 to 60 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth.

Which of these errors most surprised you? Do you currently make any of them?

Preview photo credit Beetroot Studio / Shutterstock.com