12 Situations That Prove Our World Has Done a Complete 180


Sometimes we feel embarrassed about doing things like finishing the last piece of pizza in front of others or not shaving our legs. When we insisted on keeping a toy for ourselves rather than giving it to a boy from the next block, our mothers and grandmothers used to blush. But as the times change, so does our perception of what is good or terrible.

We came up with a list of things we should no longer be embarrassed to talk about in this day and age. These practices should unquestionably be abandoned.

1. Even if two people are going on their first love date, it is totally acceptable for them to divide the bill 50/50.

© Where To? / Lebanon Pictures and co-producers© Before Sunrise / Columbia Pictures and co-producers

2. A lot of women are no longer concerned with receiving negative feedback when they breastfeed in public without concealing their breasts.

© AFP / EAST NEWS© diluvi / Wikimedia Commons© CC BY 2.0

3. Occasionally, others and their superfluous standards are the only ones enforcing so-called politeness.

4. The capacity to defend your personal boundaries is a crucial talent that you do not acquire on a whim.

5. Finishing the last slice of pizza or bite of a sandwich is not dishonourable. Food shouldn’t really be wasted, after all.

6. We control the level of service we receive, and occasionally we have to call out faults that delivery men or taxi drivers make because mistakes are something we all do.

7. While getting dressed up in public is obviously not a good idea, touching up your lipstick or powdering your nose in plain front of others is not against the law.

8. You might not achieve your goal after all if you base your decisions on what other people might think and feel self-conscious about your body’s normal functions.

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9. It’s absolutely natural to not know something. While if we pretend we know everything we might end up in an awkward situation.

10. In books and movies, a female who lacks initiative and waits for others to take the lead is merely attractive. Life operates a little bit differently.

11. People of all ages enjoy relaxing by windows. Should we deny ourselves this enjoyment?

12. You may be open and enjoy life without having to be self-conscious about your appearance or timid.

What more might you put on this list? Which mindsets prevalent now, in your opinion, ought to be abandoned?

Preview photo credit AFP / EAST NEWSdiluvi / Wikimedia CommonsCC BY 2.0