According to sources, Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan purchased three office buildings in Mumbai earlier this month. The Andheri West office spaces are rumoured to have been bought by the star of Kalki in 2898 AD. The apartments are located in the Veer Savarkar Signature building, which is also home to commercial spaces owned by actors including Sara Ali Khan, Kartik Aaryan, and Kajol. obtained paperwork that shows Big B paid Rs 59.58 crore for three office spaces. The 8,429-square-foot office space is divided into several areas. Three parking spaces are also included with the office units. According to the records, Amitabh paid Rs 3.57 crore to complete the deal. Amitabh has not yet responded to the acquisition.
He has previously purchased business space. Amitabh previously let out four office units he owned in the Signature Building last year. The property is rented out for Rs 2.07 crore per year, plus a security deposit of Rs 1.03 crore. Amitabh has not yet responded to the report.
Amitabh had purchased a plot of property in Ayodhya earlier this year. He purportedly purchased a 10,000-square-foot plot of property from the Abhinandan Lodha (HoABL) house.