10 Fake Viral Photos That Fooled The Internet


Nowadays most of the things you hear online and watch online are fake even TV shows may not be always true. So, Check out these below viral pictures which went viral but not true.

Amazing Rice Wave

You may have seen this pic on social media someday and you may have believed in this pic but this is fake pic. It’s just a sculpture.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

Frozen Venice

Let me tell you this is not from Venice as it doesn’t get that much cold there. Actually, it was photoshopped to look like Venice.

Is this a Japanese mystical watermelon? It’s just a watermelon that’s been Photoshopped.Tale Of Two Beauties

Dwarf Giraffe

Even though it is true that giraffes just like people and other animals can have dwarfism, in this case, the photo is just a fake.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

Pilot Selfie

You must have seen this picture because it was viral on social media in which a pilot was seen taking the selfie dangerously and people started believing in this pic but this was completely fake pic.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

Frog Legs

This picture of a woman where she is seen sitting like a frog on a ledge was just cleverly Photoshopped as you can see clearly in the real picture.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

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Smoking In Space

We all love Chris Hadfield and he’s such a role model for all the kids out there. He was actually just holding Easter eggs in that bag in the original photo.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

Star Island

It would be really amazing if the island exists like a star but this is fake. It doesn’t exist as of now.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

Bear Chase

I get why this went viral because nobody would care if it was just a bear running on the road. So, they added the cyclist for drama.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

Bear Chase Part II

This is also a fake pic which went viral on social media.

Amazing Rice Wave, Frozen Venice, Tale Of Two Beauties, Dwarf Giraffe, Pilot Selfie, Frog Leggs, Smoking In Space, Star Island,

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