18 Photos That Show Why It’s So Hard to Understand Japan

Japan, show, understand, surprise, example, news, countries

Japan always has something to surprise the residents of other countries with. A good example is a recent piece of news saying that the winners of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will be awarded medals made from recycled electronics. Japanese people have never been ordinary, and their life and culture are still of genuine interest to the whole world.

1. “Human Uber” helps people to attend events remotely using the body of another person.


2. Sure subways in Japan give you a helping hand with your bike.


3. These movie tickets from the “Ghibli” museum are made of frames from different Ghibli movies.


4. Solar-powered Robot Wolves are protecting the crops of Japanese farmers. 

5. In Japan, they gave me a little milk mug for left and right-handed people alongside my coffee.


6. Some restaurants are private in this country. The waiters here serve visitors without seeing them.