How Long Different Foods Take to Digest and Why It’s Important to Know

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Very significant is the impact of digestion on weight loss. We’re what we drink, as we’ve been told many times. Obviously, the exact time of digestion depends on the physical health, metabolism, age, and even sex of a person, but generally speaking, certain foods will pass through you in no time, while others will linger through your body for a while.

Fast-digesting food

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If you have a lot of fast-digesting food, you can find that you’re eating much more than you should, because it’s all gone really soon after you eat it and you’re feeling hungry again. This type of food gives you a rapid boost in energy — a glucose level jump, in other words. While a boost of energy sounds good, the rest transforms into fat if your body is filled with insulin and does not use it.

Slow-digesting food

Slow-digesting food raises blood sugar levels much faster, resulting in more healthy and balanced energy. But if you only consume very slow-digestive food, you will always make your digestive system work to the max and it can be very hard on your body.

Specialists recommend that you do not combine fast and slow food types in one meal and stop eating fast food too soon after slow, because digestion is not yet over, so you don’t strain your stomach.

When your digestive system is the most active, the best time to process food that has components with different digestive times is at lunch. The breakfast and dinner meals should be easier and ideally with easily digested foods, so you get an energy boost soon after breakfast and let your stomach relax in the evening.

1. Water

Time to Digest: Enters the intestines immediately.

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2. Fruit or vegetable juice

The time to Digest fruits or vegetable juice is 15-20 minutes

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3. Raw vegetables

The time to Digest raw vegetables is 30-40 minutes

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4. Cooked vegetables

The time to Digest cooked vegetables is 40 minutes

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5. Fish

The time to Digest fish is 45-60 minutes

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6. Salad with oil

Time to Digest salad with oil is 1 hour

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7. Starch vegetables

The time to Digest starch vegetables is 1.5-2 hours

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8. Grains (rice, buckwheat, quinoa)

The time to Digest grains is 2 hours

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9. Dairy

Time to Digest dairy is 2 hours

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10. Nuts

Time to Digest nuts is 3 hours

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11. Chicken

The time to Digest chicken is 1.5-2 hours

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12. Beef

The time to Digest beef is 3 hours

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13. Lamb

Time to Digest lamb is 4 hours

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14. Pork

Time to Digest pork is 5 hours

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Do you eat more slow-digesting or fast-digesting foods? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!

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