A 20-Minute Workout That Can Give You Runway Model Legs

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Jiggly cellulite may seem distracting and difficult to get rid of on your thighs. But fit and attractive legs can actually be achieved by performing a special set of exercises that focus on the problem areas. The best part about them is they don’t need hours of sweating. These only take 20 minutes a day and, depending on your choice, can be done anywhere — at home or at the gym.

1. Single-leg deadlift

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What to do:

  • Initial position: take as heavy a dumbbell as you are lifting comfortably and stand apart with the hip-width of your feet. Put your arms slightly bent towards your thighs, knees.
  • Start learning on your hips, putting your body weight on your left leg while stretching your right leg behind you. Keep straight on this leg.
  • Keep leaning until a T-shape is created in your body. The dumbbell’s arms will hang down. Hold it for 10-15 seconds.
  • Slowly start to bring the body to the initial position after this.
  • Repeat for a minimum of 3 minutes and don’t forget to change your legs.

2. Lateral lunge

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What to do:

  • Initial position: stand straight and cross your hand at chest level with your feet together.
  • Take a big step to the side with your left leg, bend your right knee at an angle of 90 degrees, and lower your weight.
  • Stand for about 10 seconds in this position and try to stretch your left leg. To support yourself and help your body stretch further, you should put your hands on the right knee.
  • Keep your body weight on your left leg.
  • Return to the initial position slowly and turn your legs. Repeat for three minutes.

3. Box jump

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What to do:

  • Initial position: standing in front of the bench (or box), separating the feet from the shoulder-width, legs bent at the knees slightly and relaxing.
  • Hold your core, swing your arms, and hold your chest high.
  • Go ahead as you run (or box) up the table. Make sure you land absolutely on the box with both of your feet.
  • Stand up after this, extend your hips, and step back to the ground slowly, returning to the initial position.
  • Repeat for one minute.

4. Traditional sumo squat

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What to do:

  • Initial position: set your feet wide apart— wider than hip-width. Turn your toes to the outside and to the sides. You should have your hands on your hips.
  • Place your shoulders down and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. Imagine sitting on a small chair you’re trying to. Keep engaging with your glutes and don’t move your feet. Arms should be in front of you upright.
  • Make sure that you keep your back down to the floor neutral and tailbone. The knees are not meant to go beyond the feet.
  • Hold the position for 10-15 seconds and return gradually to the starting position.
  • Repeat for two minutes.

5. Calf raises

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What to do:

  • Initial position: stand upright with relaxed legs and slightly bent knees.
  • Step up on your feet’s balls and push up your knees.
  • Stand for a few seconds on your toes and then return to the starting position.
  • A more sophisticated version of this exercise is to do it the same way, but only with one of your hands. Only lift one leg and bend the knee at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Alternate between the exercises.

6. Donkey kickback with a rubber strap

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What to do:

  • First position: Get on all fours on a yoga mat.
  • Place one end of a resistance band around your right foot and place it in front of you on the other leg. With your hand, you can hold it so it doesn’t move.
  • Hold your abs close, touch your glutes, and kick back your right leg slowly. Keep it straight.
  • Squeeze the glutes and slowly bring the leg to the initial position when fully extended. Adjust your leg.
  • Repeat for two minutes.

7. Lying lateral leg raise

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What to do:

  • Get a yoga mat and lie down on your right side. Extend your legs and put your body in line with them. Place your feet at each other’s head.
  • With your bent elbow, you can support yourself or you can lie completely on the mat with your arms under your head on the floor.
  • Lift your left leg slowly, hugging your thighs and glutes. If you feel the lower back muscles or stressed obliques, pause the uplift. This is a sign that you are doing all right.
  • Hold the leg up for a few seconds and return it to the initial position slowly.
  • Repeat for one minute.

8. Glute bridge

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What to do:

  • Lie flat on your back and bend your knees at about 45 degrees.
  • Keep your feet apart at a distance from the knees.
  • Commit your heart and legs and push your heels to lift up your hips. Squeeze the glutes.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and return to the initial position gradually.
  • Repeat for two minutes.

9. Plié squat calf raises

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What to do:

  • Initial position: start from a position of sumo squat by separating your feet wider than hip-width. Turn your toes to the sides and lookout. Hands-on your hands should be relaxing.
  • Perform a squat until parallel to the floor is your thighs.
  • Try to lift both the feet off the ground while in a squat.
  • Stay for a few seconds in this position, then slowly return.
  • Repeat for one minute.

10. Curtsy lunge

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© shutterstock.com 

What to do:

  • Initial position: stand straight, hip-width apart with your legs, resting your hands on your hips.
  • Now, take a big step back with your right leg, bending the knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Cross your left leg over that leg.
  • Down the hips, as you bend your knee to make the left thigh parallel to the ground.
  • Hold your body straight and hold for 5-10 seconds this crossed leg pose.
  • Exit slowly.
  • Repeat for two minutes.

Do you have cellulite? Are you familiar with other methods or exercises for having slim legs? Let’s share them in the segment on feedback!

Preview photo credit shutterstock.com
Illustrated by Polina Chernevina
