Nothing Can Beat Mom’s Sense Of Humor And Here’s Proof.


Nothing can beat Mom’s sense of humor. So, don’t even dare to argue with them. you may not understand her sense of humor but her sense of humor is way above than you and the best thing is that you will find it very funny.

These Below snaps will show you that mom’s sense of humor actually rocks, Check them out below!

1. Mom’s can be a little extra so you’ve got me prepared for more than what you ask for, if you ask her for face masks, she’s probably gonna get you all the things that come along with it.


2. So, apparently, she tried to give her nephew a fading haircut but landed up with this horrific result. She hasn’t stopped howling for 24 hours now!


3. That is what my mom would’ve told me if I would ever have the courage to get a tattoo without her permission.


4. Moms teach you about the reality of life from even when you can barely understand anything about it. Well, this is definitely some good advice there, Ma.


5. That’s your thing, after all, this mom went all the way and back to take care of her daughter’s plant. Looks like she’s hinting at something perhaps.


6. Uh-Oh, here comes the laughter train, I thought my mom was the only one who couldn’t really stop once she started laughing!


7. Moms do have this certain superpower of sensing that something she doesn’t like is happening, okay, what is your secret, mother?


8. By this time you should definitely become accustomed to this, taking the trash out, doing the dishes, making the bed, is by default your job.


9. I don’t know whether that is just plain genius or cruel, Brussels dressed up as cake pops? Seriously mother?


10. The struggle is real folks, but hey, don’t try to make fun of her if she doesn’t know how to type as fast as you, she’s only learning.


11. Moms hate pets, at least mine does so I can totally relate to this one!


12. So, this mom decided to get a pink sweater for her dog, because he was very secure about his masculinity, whatever that means!

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