16 Signs You’re Pregnant


9. Constipation

Lost Period, Fatigue, Tender, And Swollen Breasts, Urinary Frequency, Mood Swings, Light Spotting, Dizziness Or Tiredness

In addition to the blue veins of the breast, early signs of pregnancy also include constipation.

There is a slowing of the entire digestive system due to hormonal changes, which leads to constipation.

10. Food Cravings

Women are often more sensitive to certain odors or tastes.

That can also be attributed to the hormonal imbalance that changes the senses of smell and taste.

Your food desires could also be associated with morning sickness.

11. Nasal Congestion

An increase in blood flow may cause small veins located in the nose to swell and be more susceptible to bleeding.

12. Cramping

Mild to moderate pain can be felt due to the contraction of the uterus. This sign may occur during the early and late pregnancy.

Mild cramping is quite common during pregnancy, and some women continue to experience them until the day of delivery. You should keep in mind that cramping is not always a sign of fertility.

There may be a problem that causes cramps. You should do a pregnancy test if you have bleeding cramps lasting longer than three days.