16 Signs You’re Pregnant


13. Hair Growth

Due to an increase in hormonal levels, pregnant women may experience hair growth in the face, foot, or whole body.

However, some women may have thin hair or increased volume and texture.

14. Spider Veins

Except for the blue breasts of the breasts, early pregnancy signs may include spider veins.

An increase in blood flow throughout the body, along with weight gain, can induce the appearance of the spider vein on the legs.

These are broken capillaries that may appear as purple lines.

Even if this sign does not entirely disappear, it can become less observable after the baby’s birth.

15. Dizziness Or Tiredness

Lost Period, Fatigue, Tender, And Swollen Breasts, Urinary Frequency, Mood Swings, Light Spotting, Dizziness Or Tiredness

You may also feel light-headedness and dizzy. That is due to changes in blood circulation during pregnancy.

To prevent fainting, eat regularly, and avoid sitting too long.

You can fall asleep anywhere or anytime. It is normal, and you need to rest if you feel tired.

16. Headaches

The unexpected increase in hormones can trigger headaches at the beginning of pregnancy.

Final Word

Women differ in how they experience pregnancy symptoms, so you should be conscious of the signs of early pregnancy.

Also, take a pregnancy test to detect if you’re pregnant.
