15 Psychological Tricks That Can Help You Avoid Awkward Situations

Psychological Tricks, Awkward Situations, awkwardness , lookout , positioning ,

To get rid of awkwardness just lookout for what’s going on around you. The positioning of one’s foot definitely tells you something and by making a simple choice you can even prevent an unavoidable battle. Dare we say, human nature can be “hacked” with the right moves and be the perfect social butterfly.

1. If they’re talking too much

Since there’s no really polite way of telling others to keep their mouth shut, you can try this trick to interrupt someone. Just drop anything you’ve got in your hand— except maybe your phone, or be clumsy and knock over something. This will make them realize they’ve been talking for a long time and they’re going to feel uncomfortable, which will make them most likely stop talking.

2. If you feel nervous

Your brain believes you’re at eating easy. All have to be well because you have time to eat! You will trick the brain into a comfortable state by chewing the gum. This method can be used whilst having a nervous conversation, before interviews, or during stressful times.

3. If you have angry customers

Treating an angry customer is always uncomfortable, no matter how much you think you’re right. Try to put mirrors behind and around the counter so that during the argument people can see themselves. We don’t like to see ourselves this way, because we don’t even like angry people. It will calm them down, providing a safe space for discussion.

4. If you’re annoyed by a song stuck in your head

It’s sometimes a commercial jingle, sometimes it’s a popular song that you’re making fun of. They find their way into your subconscious, and without even thinking, you start humming them. You’re going to be inclined to repeat that same part of the song and this is where you’re going to get stuck. Instead, try finishing the record. Singing the last part will make your brain believe the song is over now and you’ll stop singing.

5. If you expect a conflict

This trick can come in handy when you need to negotiate with someone, particularly for business purposes. Sit right behind them, instead of lying across them. It is going to make them feel like you are on the same side as them. It also feels awkward to get angry or scream at someone that’s so close to you, physically.

6. If you believe everyone’s aware of the awkwardness

Sometimes doing the obvious thing is easier and acknowledging the awkwardness in the room. If you’re in a new group of people, vocalizing what feels weird will break the ice. Using humour will also help, such as making a joke about the quietness of the room or how amusing the mistake you made while talking was.

7. If you don’t want to deal with buying drinks

In a series of situations, people tend to remember the first and last thing. Take advantage of that and be the first during a busy night out to buy the first round of drinks or the tray. The rest of your group are going to do the same, not care who is buying what. Although they will remember you bought the first one, and this is probably the only time you’ll have to pay for drinks all night.

8. If you’re new to a group

It is normal, when you join a new group, not to be sure how they feel about you. You can, however, check their language of the body. If they’re interested in you, they’ll point their feet toward you, not just their eyes. You will find out if your presence is not wanted by remembering that they are pointing their feet away from you. That works both socially and romantically.

9. If you’re in an argument

Even if somebody yells at you directly, stay calm and speak quietly to make your points. If you feel the other person isn’t responding to you and instead of being loud, just wait and keep your voice calm. After a while, they will be motivated by your peaceful approach and they will stop shouting.

10. If you don’t get the answer you want

It may take some time to get the answer you need right away after you ask somebody a question, particularly if it’s tricky or irritating for the other person. But don’t let their sheer power give you up. Keep quiet, look at them in the eye and let them keep talking. In the end, you will get your answer.

11. If you’re going on a first date

It may take some time to get the answer you need right away after you ask somebody a question, particularly if it’s tricky or irritating for the other person. But don’t let their sheer power give you up. Keep quiet, look at them in the eye and let them keep talking. In the end, you will get your answer.

12. If you want to pressure someone while talking to them

To avoid confrontation you can catch someone lying or dwelling on a subject. If you need them to confess something or share more information, then lift your eyebrows while holding eye contact to increase the pressure. It will mentally make them feel worse and you both will come to a mutual understanding.

13. If you feel like you’re being watched

If you feel watched or followed, then you can make sure you use a really simple trick. Just have a yawn! Make sure they can see you, and try it out. If they’re really watching you, they’re going to yawn too and you’re going to be able to spot the stalker and keep your distance away.

14. If you’re having trouble making your kids do something

Don’t ask kids to do anything they want. Only give them options, without being too complex. For instance, if you want them to eat their broccoli, then try asking if they want 2 or 3 pieces. Even though they may resist, they’re likely to make an “adult” decision, and ultimately feel responsible.