8 Early Signs of Liver Damage


4. Changes In Your Stool Color

Due to the bile not able to function because of the liver problem, the color of your stool will changes. Instead of being brown, it may become pale yellow, gray or clay-colored in appearance.

If this occurs annually, it is not critical, but if it often happens, seek the help of your doctor to examine your liver.

5. Digestion Problems

If your liver is failing, you can get indigestion and diarrhea problem.

The liver is beneficial for digestion because it produces bile that supports the nutrients to be absorbed by the small intestines.

If your bile is not working correctly, you can also experience bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, fatty food intolerance, alcohol intolerance, and gallstones.

If your digestion problem becomes severe, you need to seek the medical attention of a doctor.

6. Bad Breath

Bad breath that occurs during a liver failure is likewise known as foetor hepaticus. This is due to the fact your liver is having difficulty doing its function of filtering out toxic substances.

Your breath will have a strong, musty smell.

To get rid of the bad breath is to treat your underlying liver disease.