10 Signs That Your Kidneys Aren’t Working Properly


7. Experiencing bad breath and metallic taste

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This affects the taste of food as waste builds up in the blood and leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. Having bad breath is another indication that the body has too many contaminants and waste. You may also stop wanting food and generally lose your appetite, which can lead to unhealthy weight loss.

Warning: Food can have a metallic taste (from allergies to poor oral health) for various reasons. Normally, if the supposed cause has been treated, the metallic taste in your mouth should go away. You must contact your doctor if the taste starts to appear.

6. Shortness of breath

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Two factors cause the relationship between kidney disease and shortness of breath, especially after little effort. Next, when the kidneys do not function properly, excess water in the body passes into the lungs. First, the body is deprived of oxygen by anemia, resulting in shortness of breath.

Warning: Breath shortage from kidney failure to asthma and lung cancer and heart failure is caused by various reasons. When you find that after very little effort you are continually out of breath, you must contact your doctor right away.

5. Swelling in ankles, feet, and hands

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Non-performing kidneys do not drain any extra fluid from the body. It results in sodium accumulation which causes the knees, feet, and hands to swell. Swelling the lower parts of your body can also signify issues with your heart and liver or leg vein.

Warning: Your body can stop swelling at times by taking medication, reducing salt, and removing excess fluid. If it doesn’t work, a different treatment is needed.

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