13 Unusual Facts About Females That Are Totally True


9. They hate taking risks.

You may have noticed that women are worse risk-takers than men, and for that, there is indeed a scientific reason. The anterior cingulate cortex is larger in women than in men, the part of the brain that weighs options when making a decision. Many claims that this was the manner in which evolution made women better caretakers and rescued the “tribe” while gathering food and social life were organized.

8. They might make their men fat.

Surprisingly, most men are getting bigger in long-term relationships, and that might be their women’s doing. They enter a “taking care” mode that excessively feeds their partner (intending to have a strong “warrior” by their side). The subconscious intention is also to make a man less attractive to other people.

7. Style over comfort

There is no scientific explanation for this curiosity, but rather a social one. Society and media have been urging women to stick to a certain standard for centuries, be it small feet or a perky back, resulting in the majority of women choosing stylish presentation over comfort.

6. A heightened sense of smell

Just like the previous point, the enhanced sense of smell helped our ancestors to survive and allowed them to pick the right food for the family, as women were mostly gatherers. So to cater to that elevated meaning— perhaps some flowers?