10 Lies About Weight Loss Many of Us Still Believe


We don’t know what to believe today because there are so many self-proclaimed dietitians and fitness coaches. Some individuals believe that in order to reduce weight, you should eat smaller meals six times a day. Others argue that you should only have three meals per day, with breakfast being the largest and most calorie-dense. It might be exasperating for people who wish to adopt a healthier lifestyle and get in better condition.

The only method to reduce weight is to eat a low-carb diet.

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Low-carb diets are effective for weight loss, but they come with significant drawbacks in terms of long-term health. One of the key reasons for the low-carb diet’s popularity is that the water weight loss allows you to experience great results rapidly. Unfortunately, some people lose energy when they eliminate carbohydrates from their diet. Remember that a low-carb diet isn’t the only way to reduce weight; other options include low-fat or low-protein diets.

You shouldn’t eat past 6 P.M.

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At some point in our lives, we’ve all heard the saying “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a poor.” Many people believe that after 6 p.m., you can’t eat anything, but this isn’t quite accurate. According to recent research, it is less important when you eat and more important how many calories you ingest. To lose weight, the most basic rule is to burn more calories than you consume.

Throughout the day, eat smaller meals more regularly.

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It’s also a fallacy that eating smaller meals more frequently will speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight. Indeed, according to a recent study, persons who eat more than three times per day weigh more than those who eat less frequently. Also, persons who eat 5 or 6 times a day are more likely to overeat.

The more time you spend in the gym, the better the results.

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When it comes to working out in the gym, the quality of your workout is more essential than the length. You can spend up to four hours a day in the gym, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you won’t see results. Some of the most effective workouts can be completed in as little as 15 minutes.

The anabolic window

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The anabolic window is a 30-minute period after a workout when nutrition can help you get more out of your workout. However, there is a paucity of scientific evidence to support the existence of anabolic windows. According to research, there is a shaky link between the nutrients ingested shortly after a workout and improved training results.

Fat makes you fat.

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Protein has only 4 calories per gramme, but fat has 9 calories per gramme. As a result, you should limit your intake of high-fat foods. However, this does not imply that you should eliminate all fats from your diet. Simply watch your calories and balance your fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to lose weight.

As you become older, you will gain weight.

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As long as you keep a healthy lifestyle, you will not gain excessive weight as you age. If you’ve been exercising out for most of your life, you should be fine at 50 or 70. Lifelong exercise is the key to remaining in shape. That’s correct, you should go to the gym on a regular basis, and not simply to achieve the ideal beach figure!

Only if you are sore will the workout be successful.

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Many people still feel that you’ve done a decent workout if you can’t move the next day, which is untrue. When you engage muscles you haven’t used previously, such as when you practise fresh new exercises, you will feel sore after a workout. Soreness is caused by a variety of variables, and even the most well-trained individuals experience it differently after a workout.

Stretching before a workout is a good idea.

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Stretching before an exercise has always been recommended to prepare our bodies. It turns out that the order should be reversed. According to research, persons who did not stretch were able to squat with 8.36 percent more weight during their workout than those who did. Stretching should be saved until the end, when your muscles are ready to unwind.

During your fasting window, you are free to eat or drink whatever you wish.


When it comes to fasting, there are two crucial guidelines to remember: don’t starve yourself and don’t devour junk food during your eating period. To keep your insulin levels low when undergoing intermittent fasting, you should consume enough calories and eat as cleanly as possible. However, this does not exclude you from occasionally indulging in something unhealthy if you so desire. Instead of your usual cappuccino, try a cup of black coffee with no sugar.

Have you believed any of these urban legends? Do you have any more fitness-related myths to share?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!