11 Relationship Situations You Should Never Put up With


We live in a technologically advanced society, but we still have archaic rules in our relationships. Situations that are prohibited from being discussed, for example.



You’re not a hypochondriac just because you’re sick, but don’t act as if you’re invincible. Allow your spouse to assist you because you are both on the same team. You can always count on each other for support.

Intimate moments


It is self-evident that if a person does not understand the problem, they will be unable to fix it. Many couples, on the other hand, believe that sex difficulties will go away on their own. But they aren’t going to do it. As a result, common sense should win out over shyness.

Your funny and weird habits


Every person has their own peculiar habits. Some people are shy, while others enjoy dancing with maracas. You may enjoy comic books, LEGO, or the Backstreet Boys. Your partner has such “addictions” as well. Make an effort to share your behaviours. You most likely have a lot more in common than you think.

Indifference toward kids


Of course, it’s a fallacy to believe that everyone enjoys children. If you’re not ready, you can put off family planning. However, you should talk to your partner about it.

Financial issues


“We don’t have any money.” “We don’t need to purchase that right now.” Some people are hesitant to speak these things for fear of appearing avaricious and selfish. It’s critical to use the correct phrases while discussing a family budget.

Failures and flaws of a partner


You shouldn’t always blame your partner, but you should communicate things in a calm manner since keeping it all to yourself is harmful.

The right to solitude


Everyone has the right to be a couch potato from time to time. We sometimes need to be alone with our thoughts, with no one interrupting us. We must understand that “I need to get some rest” does not imply “I don’t love you anymore.”

Personal issues


There’s no denying that no one enjoys hearing the same narrative over and over again. Silence, on the other hand, exacerbates the situation. There’s a narrow line between being cautious and not wanting to upset someone.



It’s great when you can come to an agreement with your partner’s parents. However, if you believe they are attempting to control your life, don’t be afraid to have a heart-to-heart with them. Remind yourself (and your partner) that you have your own family, not the entire family.

Plans for the future


If the “correct” life scenario contradicts your dreams, you don’t have to follow it. Unnecessary sacrifices are horrible for you both. Do you want to make any life changes? They should be shared with your partner. What if your partner feels the same way? If they don’t, you can talk about other options.

Appearance complexes


It’s impossible to have a great relationship and be judged on your beauty at the same time. Of course, everyone appreciates attractive face characteristics and well-toned physique. But you love your partner for who they are, not what they look like. Your beloved adheres to the adage “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Topics that should still be avoided include:


In comparison to other people. “But he/she does…and you don’t…” and “You remind me of my mother/father…” and similar words should be avoided.
The flaws of your partner. Everyone has worries that should be put aside. Don’t become involved in your loved one’s personal problems.
“My ideal girlfriend/boyfriend…” and similar fantasies. Such actions simply serve to make partners feel inadequate. It doesn’t inspire me in the least.
Talking about your ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends. The past should be left in the past. Allowing it to ruin your current relationship is not a good idea.

Make disparaging remarks about your beloved’s parents or friends. Opinions may shift, but your partner will never forget unflattering remarks.

Illustrated by Marat Nugumanov for Bright Side