12 Things We’d Better Do at Night Instead of in the Morning


“I’ll think about it tomorrow,” Scarlett O’Hara used to remark. And she was sometimes wrong. Many tasks we do in the morning, such as taking a shower, are actually best done in the evening, according to studies. There’s also a freebie at the end that teaches how to achieve a good night’s sleep using a pencil.

We compiled a list of 12 things we should do at night to brighten and improve our mornings.

Consumption of beef or cottage cheese

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You will not sleep soundly if you do not eat a few hours before going to bed. It’s a good idea to eat some meat or cottage cheese because both are high in protein and tryptophan (the amino acid that contributes to good sleep). A large serving of veggies is not a smart choice because it may create bloating.

Insomnia is frequently caused by hunger, and if you go to bed without having eaten dinner, you’ll most likely need a huge breakfast. Furthermore, it’s tough to sleep when your stomach is grumbling.


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Before heading to bed, go for a walk. It will assist you in “stepping over” all of your troubles for the day. You can appreciate silence and reflect about issues that disturb you. Evening strolls have also been shown to be beneficial to one’s health and to aid in the treatment of insomnia.

While walking, new ideas or unusual solutions to issues may occur to you. That’s why Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s founder, and Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO, like nightly strolls.

Making (and writing down) a plan of action for the future day

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Darren Hardy, the author of The Compound Effect, believes that setting plans at night helps you maintain your life in order. We frequently create plans in the morning when we are rushed, and as a result, we miss critical details or take on more responsibility than we can handle. Thorough planning will assist you in remaining calm in the morning and performing all important actions step by step without wasting valuable time and energy.

Your everyday schedule does not preclude you from improvising. It simply implies that your day will go more smoothly and that it will be more difficult to deviate from your intended path.

Airing out you room

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White fat is found in the bodies of humans. This fat frequently appears in places we don’t want it to. However, there is another type of fat known as brown fat. It aids in thermoregulation and serves as a source of energy in the body. Several studies show that white fat can turn brown as a result of the cold temperature impact, which enhances metabolism.

We can chill the air in our bedroom by opening a window at night. You don’t have to keep it open until it freezes, but simply allowing cool air in will cause brown fat to function faster and waste more energy, even while you sleep.

Preparing your lunch and clothing ahead of time

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It will save you time and worries in the morning if you have everything ready. You’ll escape the agonising decision-making process, be certain that what you want to wear is ready to go, and have at least 15 minutes to spare for a light workout or a cup of coffee.

If you generally eat at work, you might also have your lunch prepared in the evening. Consider everything ahead of time: an empty fridge will not provide you with more energy or put you in a good mood.

Practicing yoga and meditation

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We frequently skip morning exercises due to a lack of time. But it’s the evening yoga that helps us organise our thoughts and emotions, releasing stress and preparing us for the next day. The mindfulness practise of meditation is highly popular nowadays. Spend at least 10 minutes before going to bed doing a few of basic exercises.

Many individuals find it difficult to meditate because their minds are filled with distracting thoughts and there is so much noise around them. In this circumstance, it’s critical to focus your attention on your inner consciousness. Close your eyes and think about each area of your body, focussing on it while relaxing it. It will be much easier for you to fall asleep after that.

Taking a warm shower or bath

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A hot shower in the morning is not the ideal option because the heat acts as a sleep aid. It is more effective if taken at night since the change in body temperature causes an impulse in our bodies to fall asleep sooner. In fact, soaking in a warm tub is an excellent approach to deal with insomnia.

A hot shower or bath before bed has numerous benefits, including the following: it calms nerves, cleans clogged pores, stabilises blood glucose levels, relaxes the backbone, and is especially useful after a hard day at the office.

You’re reading something you’d like to remember.

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Reading, according to scientists from the University of Sussex, is the best way to relax since immersing oneself in a different world relieves stress from daily issues more than both tea and music. It simply takes 6 minutes with a book to lower your anxiety and relax your muscles.

At night, your brain remembers things better. This truth aids students who study at night in passing their exams. To avoid difficulties caused by screen light, avoid using cellphones or laptops and instead read regular books.

To get a good night’s sleep, eat a kiwi.

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Many people like to eat fruit in the morning, while some fruits, such as kiwi, are better eaten at night. Several studies demonstrate that eating two kiwis an hour before bed for a month helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully. Vitamins E and C help to maintain healthy sleep cycles and serotonin production by regulating neuronal connections in the brain.

Don’t substitute lemons for kiwi: you’ll get the opposite result. Lemons energise and energise our bodies. This rule is only broken if you have a cup of warm water with honey and lemon.

Taking a sip of cherry juice

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According to new research from Louisiana State University, drinking two glasses of cherry juice helps you sleep for roughly 90 minutes longer per night. Cherry proanthocyanidins, which are ruby red pigments, reduce the breakdown of tryptophan, allowing it to persist longer and operate more effectively.

If you dislike cherry juice, eat seaweed for dinner instead. According to Oxford University research, seaweed includes a lot of omega-3 acid, which helps you sleep better and longer.

Brushing your hair

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Brushing your hair before bedtime removes dead cells, dust, and skin fat. A mild massage with a smooth brush also aids in the passage of oxygen and nutrient-rich elements to the roots. You won’t have to rush to style your hair in the morning.

Brushing your hair 2-3 times a day, according to British stylist Sam Burnett, is enough to keep it from becoming oily and brittle. And the rule “you have to brush your hair 100 times” makes no sense to him.

Analyzing the day

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Analyze the day, recall all the positive things that happened to you, consider what you would like to alter, and jot down some notes if you keep a diary. According to studies, performing a daily analysis (even if the day leaves a lot to be desired) is quite beneficial. If you still feel a dearth of happy emotions before going to bed, do something enjoyable, such as pet your cat.

Happiness is the ability to be happy in the present moment. Tomorrow is not certain. The majority of us spend our evenings with family and close friends. Tell them you adore them and that you’re grateful for everything.

A pencil can also assist with snoring and headaches.

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If a member of your family snores (or if you snore), we prescribe this exercise to strengthen the muscles of the upper palate (which are weak if you snore). Place a pencil between your teeth and hold it there for 5-10 minutes during your free time.

Because certain other muscles relax, this simple activity can also cure a headache.

And do you have any nighttime rituals of your own? What can you avoid doing in the morning if you don’t have time?

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