8 People Whose Self-Irony Conquered the Internet in an Epic Way


Anyone can suffer setbacks, but with their head kept high, very few can take them away. Possibly the best thing you can do though just laughs. Just as these men did. Others now are not laughing at them but with them.

“When you look more like Harry Potter than Harry Potter!”

© bollister / reddit

“My yearbook quote is the only thing I am proud of.”

© virtualghufran / twitter

“When I was 16, my parents commissioned my grandad to paint a portrait of me with a view to raising my self-esteem.

© floozyesq / twitter

“That is why at school nobody talks to me.”

© sarvanieloheimo / twitter

“No, I’m not pregnant. I just feel like photos of pregnancy are cool, and I want to get involved.”

© @zulekaz

“I don’t know why my arms look so fat, even without bending over I could tie my shoes.”

© Girly Memes / facebook

The irony

© AfistingRobot / reddit

The most important thing is never to lose that sense of humour.

© emiltape / pikabu