Best Apex Legends Character: Best Apex Legends Characters Ranked


Apex Legends Season 16 has officially arrived, bringing with it a host of gameplay changes that are set to once again shift the balance of power in competitive play. The burning question on everyone’s mind is whether top-tier characters such as Bloodhound and Wraith maintain their status at the pinnacle of the tier list.

Take a moment to unwind as we delve into our perspectives on the optimal character choices for offensive, defensive, support, and recon players in Apex Legends. Let’s explore the top-ranking characters in Apex Legends, categorized by their strengths.

Starting with our most recent tier list for Emergence, here’s the breakdown of Apex Legends characters based on their potential for high-level competitive play.

(Note: This tier list specifically applies to the classic Battle Royale mode. The more dynamic Arenas mode, introduced in Season 9, demands a distinct lineup due to its fast-paced gameplay.)

S-Tier: Wraith, Bloodhound, Gibraltar A-Tier: Valkyrie, Loba, Seer, Lifeline B-Tier: Mirage, Horizon, Bangalore C-Tier: Octane, Pathfinder, Caustic, Revenant D-Tier: Rampart, Crypto, Wattson, Fuse

Now, let’s delve into the best characters for offensive play in Apex Legends:


Wraith stands as one of the most recognized legends with an impressive win rate, owed largely to her Tactical ability, Into the Void. This skill renders her virtually invincible for a brief duration, enabling seamless entry and exit from battles. Wraith, with her combination of Passive and Ultimate, emerges as a top choice for initiating and escaping team fights.

However, mastering Wraith poses a challenge, demanding quick decision-making, battlefield awareness, and an unpredictable playstyle. Outsmarting opponents with creative use of Into the Void is crucial. Be especially cautious when facing an enemy Bloodhound with their Ultimate active, as they can swiftly pursue you during escape attempts.


Bangalore serves as a well-rounded pick and is often touted as the ideal Apex Legends character for beginners, although our perspective differs slightly. Her standout ability is her Passive, allowing rapid engagement and repositioning in the heat of battle. The Smoke Launcher proves to be a versatile tool, offering various applications, including escaping tight spots, closing in on an enemy, or providing cover while reviving a teammate.

However, Bangalore’s Achilles’ heel is her lacklustre Ultimate, making her less prevalent in higher tiers of play. The delayed impact provides ample time for enemies to evade, and its damage output is comparatively modest. Given her emphasis on swift engagement, Bangalore is better suited for a more aggressive playstyle, making her an apt choice for mid to high-level players.


Epitomizing aggressive play, Octane is the legend you’ll find charging ahead of their team fearlessly during engagements. His Tactical and Ultimate abilities grant unparalleled mobility, establishing him as the fastest legend overall. Octane excels at harassing enemy teams with hit-and-run tactics, and his Passive ensures rapid healing for relentless, repeat performances.

To maximize Octane’s potential, spamming his Stim Tactical is key, achieving inhuman speeds that render him nearly unhittable as long as constant movement is maintained. This allows for circling opposing teams and seizing the advantage at opportune moments. However, the trade-off is heightened vulnerability due to reduced health, demanding careful manoeuvring to avoid untimely demise. For those willing to embrace the risks for substantial rewards, Octane proves to be an excellent choice.


On paper, Fuse presents a compelling legend, with his Grenadier Passive enhancing the lethality and precision of grenades, including the challenging-to-aim Arc Stars. His Tactical and Ultimate offer potent offensive and defensive capabilities, ideal for bombarding chokepoints and impeding approaching enemies.

However, Fuse encounters practical challenges. His reliance on finding grenades for his Passive renders it ineffective once depleted. While the Knuckle Cluster and the Motherlode possess decent power, they can be countered or evaded easily. Fuse’s imbalance stems from his kit heavily focusing on offensive abilities, creating the misconception that they should serve as the primary damage source. In reality, treating them as situational tools and relying on firearms for damage proves more effective.


Renowned for adaptability and linked to Titanfall 2 lore as its adversary, Ash secures an A-rank on the Apex tier list. She offers her squad valuable tools for tracking, speed, initiating attacks, and disrupting foes.

Ash’s tactical ability, Arc Snare, immobilizes foes, setting them up for a barrage. Her Ultimate, “The Phase Breach,” functions similarly to Wraith’s portal but deploys more swiftly and operates as a one-way portal, ideal for strategic repositioning.

Marked for Death, Ash’s passive ability, supplies her squad with vital information about enemy locations, aiding in pre-battle preparations. Despite her versatility, Ash demands skilful utilization. Her tactical ability has a relatively slow execution and can be easily evaded from a distance. Successfully trapping an opponent, however, can lead to a cunning and lethal encounter. While Ash’s abilities address diverse scenarios, their effective deployment requires talent and experience.

Best Apex Legends Characters For Defensive Play


Gibraltar stands as the paramount defensive pick, boasting a concealed Passive that grants a substantial 15% damage reduction, rendering him a walking fortress. His inherent toughness, coupled with the Gun Shield Passive, makes him virtually impenetrable in engagements.

Gibraltar’s skill set in Apex Legends is among the most versatile. His defensive Tactical, Dome of Protection, serves as a literal lifesaver, enabling safe healing and revives amid intense firefights. Additionally, the Defensive Bombardment proves exceptionally effective for both offensive and defensive scenarios, showcasing his strategic utility.

While labelled as a defensive player, Gibraltar assumes a captain’s role, dictating the team’s actions. Effective communication and coordination regarding the deployment of the Dome of Protection and Defensive Bombardment are imperative for success with this character.


Caustic thrives on zone control within confined spaces, utilizing his centrepiece ability, Nox Gas, deployable through both his Tactical and Ultimate. Enemies caught within the gas suffer gradual damage, with the added advantage of his Nox Vision Passive, allowing him to spot foes within the toxic cloud.

Caustic excels at fortifying enclosed locations, punishing adversaries foolish enough to charge head-on. His effectiveness magnifies as matches progress, with the battlefield shrinking and engagements occurring in tighter spaces. Despite his defensive nature, Caustic can be played offensively, closing the gap swiftly and deploying Nox Gas abilities.


Wattson emerges as the apex choice for players favoring a defensive playstyle, revolving around creating impenetrable fortifications. Her signature ability, Perimeter Security Tactical, constructs damaging and slowing fences for deterring enemies. Additionally, her Interception Pylon Ultimate adds an extra layer of protection.

However, Wattson’s challenge lies in her lack of significant offensive capabilities. Success with her hinges on strategic placement of Tactical and Ultimate, keen environmental awareness, and patience. Team reliance is key, as her defensive abilities, even at full capacity, can’t single-handedly thwart an entire three-person squad.


Rampart, deemed one of the most challenging legends to master, proves highly effective once mastered. Her skill kit, featuring the Amped Cover Tactical for impromptu cover against enemy fire, requires tactical acumen. Complementing this is her Ultimate, nicknamed “Sheila,” deploying a potent minigun accessible to anyone. The Modded Loader, while initially beneficial, offers only a minor advantage.

Rampart straddles offence and defence, deploying a mobile fortification strategically during engagements. With precise placement and timing, especially with her Ultimate, she can effectively dismantle entire teams. However, leveraging Rampart demands extensive communication and coordination.


Newcastle emerges as a formidable combat medic in Apex Legends, renowned for superior defensive capabilities. His role centres on preserving the team during battles, making him an invaluable addition. However, mastering his abilities proves challenging, particularly for newcomers.

Newcastle’s Retrieve the Wounded Passive enables reviving downed allies with a full-body shield, though its audible nature poses risks. Unequipping knockdown shields minimize revive sound. His Mobile Shield Tactical deploys a drone creating a mobile energy shield, offering extra cover in intense battles. Castle Wall, his ultimate, allows leaping to an ally or target area, establishing a fortified stronghold.

While Newcastle excels in defence, he’s less popular due to the skill required. Defence mastery demands practice and experience. Positioning, effective communication, and teamwork are pivotal for optimal use. Newcastle, designed for defence, doesn’t chase kills but ensures team survival. With proficiency, Newcastle becomes a potent squad asset, providing crucial defensive support in the toughest battles.

Best Apex Legend Characters For Support


Lifeline stands as the quintessential support character in Apex Legends, holding the unique role of the sole healer within the roster. This makes her an invaluable addition to any team across all skill levels. Her standout ability is the D.O.C. Heal Drone Tactical, which autonomously heals nearby teammates. Despite her Passive undergoing a nerf from a more potent revive shield, Lifeline remains the most effective legend for bringing back teammates from the brink of death.

However, Lifeline’s Ultimate, the Care Package, feels somewhat divergent from her primary role as a healer. While useful in specific scenarios, it doesn’t fully align with her support function. Nevertheless, her Tactical and Passive abilities more than compensate for this shortfall. As a supporting character, Lifeline thrives when closely aligned with the team, gauging the situation mid-fight to determine which teammate requires healing or revival.


While not a popular pick, Loba’s utility might be underestimated by many Apex Legend players. Lacking direct offensive and defensive capabilities, her ability kit proves pivotal in a game where possessing the right gear holds significant sway. Her Passive and Ultimate ensure a continuous supply of guns, equipment, and ammo for her and the team.

Loba’s Tactical, Burglar’s Best Friend, serves as a valuable repositioning tool, requiring strategic use rather than as an escape mechanism, given the vulnerability post-teleportation.


Horizon blurs the lines between offensive and support roles, primarily due to her exceptional repositioning capabilities. The Gravity Lift Tactical propels anything and anyone into the air, granting Horizon near-perfect accuracy while airborne—especially advantageous for snipers.

Her Ultimate, Black Hole, proves effective in specific situations, disrupting healing or reloading. Strategic use, paired with grenades or Fuse’s abilities, flushes opponents out of entrenched positions.

Playing Horizon effectively revolves around seizing opportunities to utilize her tactics, gaining a height advantage over the opposing team. Caution is advised during liftoff, as strafing is limited compared to previous seasons.


Mirage, the cunning illusionist, caters to players who relish outsmarting opponents. Excelling at confusion tactics, Mirage utilizes holographic decoys that mimic his movements, creating uncertainty among enemies. His Passive, Now You See Me, transforms him into an efficient reviver, rivalling even Lifeline.

Despite Mirage’s appearance as a defensive or support character, the key to success lies in leaning towards an aggressive approach. Holographic decoys become excellent engagement tools, distracting enemies and allowing teammates to swiftly eliminate them. Employing mind games, such as running towards decoys before reversing direction to fire, adds an extra layer of strategy.


Revenant boasts a diverse skill set, combining exceptional mobility and strafing capabilities with the Stalker Passive, making him a proficient fighter or scout. Offensive prowess with Revenant involves mastering crouch-strafing and unpredictable movement.

However, Revenant truly shines in the support role with his Tactical and Ultimate abilities. Silence, as an opener, disables crucial enemy abilities, providing a distinct advantage. The Death Totem Ultimate proves to be a game-changer, allowing the most aggressive team member protected by it to deal damage, resurrect, and repeat—leaving opposing teams little room to heal or regroup. An Octane safeguarded by Death Totem emerges as exceptionally effective.

Apex Legend’s Best Characters For Recon And Scouting


In the realm of Apex Legends, Bloodhound stands out as not only one of the best legends but also a consistent presence at the highest echelons of play. The allure lies in Bloodhound’s unparalleled scouting abilities, forming a robust skill set tailored for detecting and pursuing prey.

Commence with the Passive, offering insights into the movements of adversaries. When suspicion looms, deploy the Tactical to scan the surroundings for their precise locations (while mindful of revealing your position). The Ultimate, a formidable hunting mode, can then be activated to track them down.

Bloodhound’s versatility shines through, accommodating both offensive and defensive playstyles, making this legend an ideal choice for novices and seasoned players alike. At elevated tiers, an assertive approach tends to yield the best results. Regardless, the crux of mastering Bloodhound lies in strategic planning and decisive ability usage.


Introduced in season 10, Seer emerges as a compelling contender for the title of Apex’s premier legend for scouting and reconnaissance. His proficiency in revealing adversaries, no matter their hiding spots, positions him as a formidable force. However, mastering his abilities demands a considerable degree of skill.

Both his Tactical and Ultimate deploy micro-drones, integral to unveiling enemy positions. The unique launch mechanisms associated with these drones contribute to the challenge of mastering Seer. His Tactical reveals enemies horizontally and disrupts their abilities, while his Ultimate, Exhibit, extends the range to cover a more expansive spherical area. Precision in aiming and discerning the opportune moments for deploying these abilities defines Seer’s mastery.

Beyond reconnaissance, Seer excels at identifying enemies in the rear lines and eliminating them. Yet, this approach necessitates an aggressive stance, given Seer’s absence of an escape ability, demanding thoughtful and deliberate execution of tactics.


Valkyrie’s predominant strength lies in her exceptional mobility, attributed to the VTOL Jetpack Passive, rivalling even Pathfinder’s grappling hook. However, the caveat is the inability to engage in other actions while in flight, necessitating judicious utilization.

Her Ultimate, Skyward Dive, extends her repositioning prowess to the entire team, enabling launches and dives across the map. Offensively, reliance on the Missile Swarm Tactical proves effective for slowing and stunning enemies, particularly advantageous in team skirmishes.

While her jetpacks confer superior positioning and recon potential, Valkyrie’s vulnerability mid-flight precludes her from assuming the role of a solo skirmisher. Consequently, she excels as the initiator of engagements, with the team in tow.


Pathfinder’s forte in recon revolves around his grappling hook, facilitating swift ascension to elevated areas. This tool provides access to high vantage points few other legends can reach. The Ultimate extends this mobility perk to other team members by furnishing a zipline.

Thriving in the recon role, Pathfinder excels at advancing of the team, identifying threats, and uncovering opportunities. However, this predisposition may potentially distance him from the team when encountering challenges. As a result, adept Pathfinder players lean on mobility and agility, with the grappling hook serving as the primary tool. Though mastering it entails a learning curve, the payoff significantly enhances one’s Pathfinder gameplay.


On initial inspection, Crypto appears poised to fulfil the role of a potent recon character. His standout ability, the Surveillance Drone Tactical, permits drone piloting from a relatively secure distance, keeping him out of harm’s reach. The Drone EMP Ultimate further adds utility, dealing damage to players and dismantling nearby traps.

However, Crypto’s notable drawback stems from his complete immobility and vulnerability while utilizing his premier abilities. Thus, meticulous planning becomes imperative when employing Crypto—ensuring a safe location or teammate protection during drone piloting. Additionally, adept drone manoeuvring becomes a crucial skill to master this character effectively.


Vantage, the adept survivalist sniper, commands a formidable presence among long-distance characters. Her skill set revolves around mobility, facilitating swift information gathering on enemies while offering long-range support. The Spotter’s Lens Passive equips her with additional UI overlays when aiming into a 2x or better scope, providing insights into enemy armour and distance.

The Tactical, Echo Relocation, unleashes a bat companion into the sky, allowing Vantage to leap toward it—an invaluable tool for repositioning during fights or swiftly joining the fray when the team demands a rapid skirmish. Vantage’s Ultimate, Sniper’s Mark, furnishes her with a sniper for prolonged-range encounters, securing her standing in the Apex Legend tier list for those inclined to engage opponents on the fringes of the ring.

Moreover, landing shots on an enemy with Sniper’s Mark places a distinctive mark on them, enabling subsequent hits to deal double damage and resetting its duration to 10 seconds. Vantage emerges as a top-tier recon character, demanding players to adeptly manoeuvre their abilities and strategize meticulously when employing them.