Common Causes of Heart Palpitation


Palpitations are not so dangerous or harmful and often disappear on their own. Most of the time, they are induced by stress and anxiety, or because you have had too much alcohol, caffeine, or nicotine. It can likewise occur when you are pregnant.

Palpitations are responses or sensations that your heart is beating so fast, pounding or racing too fast. You can notice heart palpitations in your chest, neck, or throat.

If you have unjustified palpitations, it’s essential to analyze your lifestyle a little. Overall, a few lesser changes are enough to deal with the condition. If you have unjustified palpitations, it’s essential to analyze your lifestyle a little. Overall, a few lesser changes are enough to deal with the condition.

The Causes Of Heart Palpitation Include

1. Stress

If you are stressed most of the time, your heart suffers. When you are stressed, blood circulation is slowed, causing problems with blood pressure and heart.

If you have had constant palpitations in recent days, try to go for a walk, do more exercise swim, do yoga, have a meditation, read a book, listen to music, get rid of negative energies and stress or do whichever other relaxation techniques which can help you relax and stay stress-free.

2. Hypotension

Hypotension may be very critical. It attacks the heart directly, causing palpitations and a feeling of pressure in the heart.

If a heart attack is presumed, seek immediate medical attention. To care for your heart, you can do a little walk every day. Walk 10 to 15 minutes from home and then turn round and walk back.

3. Indigestion

If you eat and suddenly go to bed, you can get heart palpitations due to indigestion.

You can experience heartburn and chest pain at the very moment.

4. Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the leading causes of palpitations.

Feelings of strong emotions, such as fear, stress, anxiety, or panic, can prompt your heart to pound fast.

It is essential to know how to manage your emotions when you are about to have a panic attack.

Palpitations induced by anxiety do not pose an extreme risk, but you have to try to calm down and guide your emotions to claim the anxious state.

Besides, it is better to avoid caffeine when you suffer from anxiety.

5. Changes In Hormone

You may notice a high heart rate while you are resting from some hormonal changes in the body such as pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, perimenopause, and menopause can lead to palpitations.

Lack of estrogen can also lead to palpitations of the heart.

Some people might feel better if they apply progesterone cream when palpitations become prejudiced.

6. Cardiac Diseases Of The Past

Some people have a heart condition in their childhood, which disappears later. However, stress and unhealthy habits can cause palpitations for them

If you have genuinely suffered from heart disease before, you should avoid too much consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Consult with a doctor about any change in your heart rate.

7. Certain Medicines, Including Those, Used To Treat Asthma, High Blood Pressure, Or Heart Problems

Some drugs you use for various health purposes can cause palpitations such as sleeping medication, high blood pressure medication, cold remedies, asthma medication, antihistamines, and decongestants.

Nutrition pills that include caffeine or ephedrine can excite the heart, leading to palpitations.

8. Caffeine

It is a stimulant that can boost your metabolic rate and heart rate.

If you drink too many caffeine beverages like coffee or energy drinks, mainly before you sleep, you can experience palpitations when you lie down.

9. Excess Physical Activity

Too much of anything is dangerous. When you exercise, your heartbeat generally increases to provide for the extra oxygen required around the body.

This increase in your heart rate can lead to palpitations. Physical training in excess is as damaging as sedentary.

More Causes Of Heart Palpitations Include:

  1. Low blood sugar
  2. Anaemia
  3. Abnormal heart valve, like mitral valve prolapse
  4. An overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism
  5. Low level of oxygen in your blood
  6. Blood loss
  7. Smoking
  8. Shock
  9. Fever

Ways To Stop Heart Palpitations

  1. Reduce or eliminate stimulant intake: Illegal drugs, tobacco products, some high blood pressure medications, some cold and cough medications, and caffeinated beverages
  2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can cause heart palpitations.
  3. Avoid excessive alcohol use
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Try relaxation techniques: meditation, tai chi, and yoga.
  6. Stimulate the vagus nerve: Chant the word “Om” or cough or gagging, holding your breath and pushing down, like if taking a bowel movement

Note: If palpitations happen frequently, your heart rate is faster than average, chest pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating, dizziness, or lightheadedness, it is advisable to seek medical help immediately.

heart palpitation headache

Feeling tired, experiencing headaches, and having heart palpitations might indicate anaemia. Alternatively, these symptoms could result from vigorous exercise. In uncommon instances, engaging in intense physical activity may lead to a migraine, accompanied by heart palpitations and fatigue.

heart palpitation and coughing

You usually sense heart palpitations in your chest or neck. When they happen, there’s often an accompanying urge to cough. Interestingly, heart flutters can happen unexpectedly at any time. Surprisingly, experiencing heart palpitations at night or during moments of rest is quite common.

belching and heart palpitation connection

If you’ve been consuming excessive coffee or caffeinated drinks, you might experience both belching and palpitations. However, it’s important to consider more serious potential causes, such as thyroid or heart issues. Any new palpitations should be thoroughly examined by your doctor.